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That evening, after everyone seemed to be in bed the three girls crept out of the house and walked to the garage. When all six were seated Emily said, "What do we make of what we heard? Who were they talking about?"

William said, "I think they were talking about you, three girls."

Why? And what do they mean by what we heard?", asked Samantha.

Daniel said, "I am thinking that they are dealing in drugs. This place is a perfect place to transport drugs in and out of here. And the cover as a B&B would let them be a real place of business."

"What are we going to do?", asked Rachel who was obviously frightened. 

"This might seem like a strange idea", said Roger who had been quiet up till now. "But maybe you three girls should stay here tonight and in the morning we will go into Bangor and talk to the FBI and see what we should do."

"But what about the B&B? Who will take care of the guests?", asked Samantha.

"We will leave Janet and Carl a note that we need to go into town and they can do everything until we get back. That way they won't be suspicious", said Emily.

The three girls walked back into the big house and went to their rooms. As they were packing Carl and three men entered Emily's room and pointing a gun at her told her to be quiet and from there they got the other two girls and brought them into the kitchen. Janet was standing there and asked, "What have you idiots done now?" Then she began to yell at them in a foreign language that the girls did not understand but from her expression, it was obvious they had made a big mistake. 

"What are you going to do to us?", cried Rachel. 

She was slapped by one of the men and Emily kicked him in the shin and the girls ran from the kitchen into the night.

"Get them and their boyfriends and bring them all here", screamed Janet. 

The girls fled into the night and made it to the garage before the men caught up with them. They screamed and the guys came out and began to fight. A gunshot stopped the melee. Janet stood with a shotgun pointed at everyone and said, "Enough of this nonsense. You get them tied up and we'll march them back to the house and get on with our plans." 

 All six of them were brought into the library and tied with their hands to the arms of the chairs and their feet to the legs. Ropes were also wrapped around their chests. One of the men leered at Samantha as he bent over her and began to wind the rope around her. AS he did this his hand began to caress her. Samantha screamed and tried to wiggle away. Janet hit the man and knocked him down. She yelled at him saying, "If you want to do that you will have to wait until later. Right now we need these alive. Gag them so they cannot make any noises as I tend to the other guests in this house."

The six of them were trussed up in a circle facing each other as the men left them alone. Emily raised her eyebrows as she looked at each one. when her eyes reached daniel he winked at her and tried to smile reassuringly through the gag in his mouth. 

Emily returned his smile with a puzzled expression on her face. 

The ropes around each of their arms and legs had been drawn tight and they had very little free movement. As she watched Daniel his eyes made a motion for her to look at his arm. As she watched the muscles on his forearm began to relax and in doing so slightly loosened the ropes. He pushed his arm forward and bent at the elbow so he could reach this belt buckle. Emily had noticed that it was somewhat large but not knowing how to mention it without everyone wondering why she had let her gaze drift to that part of his body she had remained quiet. 

Daniel moved his waist as far as the ropes would allow and using the tip of his finger reached the buckle. Seat broke out on his face with the effort. Now everyone was watching him. the girls with amazing looks but the other guys with knowing smiles.  Once his ringer reached the buckle he paused a second to catch his breath and then pressed the buckle. A slim blade popped out and he grasped it and began to cut through the rope on his chest. Once free from that restraint he was able to free himself and them went to work on the other men's bindings. The girls he freed last. They all armed themselves with whatever they could find. Fireplace pokers, heavy books. Even larger pottery. 

Daniel whispered, "Do not hesitate now. Hit with all our might."

Just as Daniel finished saying this the door opened slowly and a hand holding a gun began to come into the room. Rachel swung the poker she was holding with all her might hitting the arm. The man screamed as the gun fell to the floor and they all heard the cracking of bones. Roger reached into the doorway and pulled the man into the room as Samantha kicked the door shut. 

Emily ran and picked up the gun just as three shots rang out from the other room ripping holes in the heavy wooden door. rachel cried out as a bullet grazed her arm. She sank to the floor holding her wounded arm as a small amount of blood seeped through her fingers. Roger was at her side in an instant and ripping off her sleeve he wrapped the cloth around the wound saying, "It just grazed you. It is not bad."

She smiled bravely at him and leaned up and kissed his cheek. The rest barricaded the door with furniture while Emily used her cell phone to call the police. The door burst open and Carl followed by Janet and some other men entered with their guns pointing at the six friends.

"That's enough of this., screamed Carl with an even heavier accent then they had heard before. 

Just then the front door opened with a bang and two policemen ran into the house. Emily cried out, "Help we are in here."

The two cops came in saw what was going on and said, "Good you got them under control. Let's get them upstairs where we can start getting some information from them and get this business over with." Emily stared wide-eyed. It is now obvious they were alone and helpless since the police were also in on what Janet and carl were doing.

Daniel said, "What do you want with us?

Carl said, "we had a sweet deal going on here. importing drugs and illegal immigrants until we heard that the property was given to these three girls and then you men came into the picture and messed everything up. Now we are going to get the deed signed over to us and dispose of the six of you."

emily said, "we are not signing anything."

Janet with a leer on her face said, "Yes you will my dear. In fact, you will beg to sign anything we put in front of you when we are finished persuading you and your friends here." She stepped forward and slapped Emily across the face knocking her backwards.

"Enough of this. We are wasting time", said Carl as he hereded everyone upstairs.

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