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Emily sat at the table with the other seven watching the water boiling in the large kettle as the green lobsters turned a bright red. Daniel said, "Almost done. It takes about 12 minutes. We'll take these out and put in the next batch."

As Emily looked around the table she began to see four couples, not just eight friends waiting for dinner to be cooked. And this was a new concept not only for her but for her three friends. They had spent the previous night talking about Roger, William, and Daniel and what it would mean to have boyfriends. The very idea that a guy would be interested in them like that was so new to them.

But as Emily looked at her friend she began to see the differences in the three of them. Rachel was raven-haired with a normal figure. while blonde Samantha and her amble breasts caught the attention of people they met. As she gazed down at her own body she knew what lay beneath her clothes and wondered if Daniel would accept her seemingly plain body. Her hair was dull greyish-brown.  She was tall at five-foot, seven inches. A little on the plump side and her own breasts seemed average like the rest of her. 

Then Daniel broke into her reverie by saying, "It is time to enjoy the best the ocean has to offer. Let's eat!" Soon all eight had melted butter running down their chins and were enjoying the tender-sweet lobster. When the lobsters were reduced to empty shells, the corn stripped to the cob, and the dishes cleared, Rachel and Roger disappeared into the house only to return, a few minutes later, with a large serving tray ladened with three golden-brown blueberry pies.  

Once again they bean to eat like this might be their last meal. Afterward, everyone sat back and congratulated themselves on a fine meal. Lloyd and Cynthia excused themselves leaving the six friends alone. It was Daniel who spoke first. "You know we work for Mr. Cohen and he pays us very well. we also have the boat and catch our chare of the lobsters. But we have a proposal for you girls.

"What is it?", asked Rachel.

William said, "We would like to work for you to keep this big house and property up. AND we have looked around this place enough to know what needs to be done. However, we also notice that there is a six-car garage down that lane and upstairs is a big apartment that we three could use as payment for working here."

The three girls sat still staring at each other until Emily spoke. "What you propose sounds good. But we need a few minutes to talk about this. You guys stay here we will take a little walk and talk about you and us and what we are thinking. Be back in a few minutes."

Emily led the other two along a path that curved around a small lake. They stopped at a small bench and sat quietly staring off into the deep water. 

Rachel broke the silence. "What would be the downside of their living in the garage and helping us?"

Emily took a deep breath and said, "There is no downside to this as far as I can see. The problem is that we have never experienced infatuation and the attention of men before and we do not want to get so involved too soon that we make mistakes. Also, I want to tell you that the condo in New York sold yesterday and we just got six million more dollars to split and spend. This adds to the problem. Do these guys like us or do they like our money.?"

Samantha who had been quiet asked, "Do they even know anything about us or our money?"

Emily said, "I guess we should give them the benefit of the doubt and say yes. But I want us to be aware of something."

"What?", the other two girls asked in unison. 

"Sex.", she continued. "Sex and letting our feelings get the better of us. We know the mechanics from Mrs. Wilson's sex ed classes but we do not know about the emotions. I spoke with Cynthia about this since she is married and she told me that to be on the totally safe side we can let the guys touch us only above the neck and below the knees. If you both will agree to this limitation then we can enjoy them as boyfriends. But if we get too involved and this means aroused then we all will be in trouble."

The other two agreed and the three girls walked back to the house. The three guys smiled broadly upon hearing the news but Emily was quick to point out the limits on their budding relationships.

s they walked back into the house they heard voices coming from the library. Although they were muffled they clearly heard what sounded like an argument. They looked at each other and stopped by the closed door.

From inside they heard Carl telling someone, "It will only be a short time before we get rid of them and then we will all be free, we need to trick them into signing the deed to this place and we can open our operation using this place as a legitimate cover." 

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