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Rachel, Samantha, Emily, William, Daniel, and Roger stood at the end of the driveway as the final touches were installed on the new sign proclaiming to the world that 


                                                    BED & BREAKFAST

is officially open for business.

As the six of them stood beaming at the sign a car passed by, stop[ped, and backed up. A young couple got out and the man asked, " Are you all open for business?"

Rachel replied, "Yes, sir, we certainly are. You are our first to stay with us. Hope you like everything. Just drive down our new driveway and we will meet you there."

As the girls walked fast to the house they almost ran into Carl who was coming out of the woods. They walked by him and met the couple as they were standing and just looking at the big house. When they arrived the couple told them what a magnificent house this is. 

As the three guys finally caught up with everyone and introductions were made Emily said, "Since you are our very first guests we have a special treat. We went out with our b ... (she hesitated) friends and caught a basket of lobsters and if you like lobster we will have a Maine feast tonight in your honor."

The man, who introduced himself and his wife and Cynthia and Lloyd Johnson from New York said, "we, of course, accept but only if we can help with supplying something for the dinner."

Samantha said, "William and I will walk with you to the town. It is only just down the road.  We need some fresh corn from the market. And Rachel and Roger will busy themselves in the kitchen making blueberry pies. While Emily and Daniel get you all settled in. How does that all sound?"

Everyone agreed and went about their chores. 

Just as Emily was about to enter the house a car pulled into the drive and three men got out and asked about staying for a few days. They declined supper and went straight to their rooms after checking in and paying cash in advance for five nights. As the men walked up the stairs she saw Carl walking behind them and disappear down the hall.

Emily checked in the couple and led them up the stairs to their room. Daniel followed helping to carry their bags. As they walked down the hall Emily could hear voices coming from one of the rooms the men had rented. after making sure the couple were comfortable she and Daniel walked slowly back down the hall and stopped before the door where the voices were coming from. 

Although they could not make out any words through the heavy wood door, Emily whispered, "This does not sound like English to me."

Daniel nodded in agreement and they continued downstairs.

They found Rachel and Roger busy in the kitchen with flour spread on the table making pie crusts. On the stove was a simmering pot of blueberries. The aroma was intoxicating. So much so that Daniel dipped his finger into the hot berries and licked it with an appreciative MMMMMMM this sure is good.

Rachel chased them out of the kitchen waving her rolling pin and laughing hysterically.

"I guess everything seems to be under control so why don't you and I go and set up the table and chairs and make this a festive occasion. I saw some wildflowers growing down the path we could pick them for the table."

Daniel agreed and they set off into the woods. While gathering handfuls of flowers they stopped to admire a view from an overlook. Daniel held Emily's hand then turned to her and kissed her lightly on the lips. Emily pulled back in surprise. She did not say anything just looked at him with a puzzled look in her eyes before turning back toward the house.

"I'm Sorry for kissing you like that", said Daniel.

Emily stopped walking and turned to him and said, "I am not sorry. I always wondered what kissing would be like and frankly I am glad it was you who kissed me first. but before we can think about what this might mean between us I need to think about this and us. I do find that I like being with you. But this sort of thing never was part of our ives at the orphanage. So you will have to be very patient with me if you want to be my boy friend. OK?"

Daniel nodded in agreement as they continued toward the house to get thier choress done before dinner.

Emily left Daniel to move the tables and chairs under the shade trees while she went into the house to find something to put the flowers in. AS she neared the kitchen she heard someone talking in a low voice that was punctuated by short periods of silence. As she peered into the kitchen she saw Rachel and Roger in a tight embrace with their lips pressed together. She stared at them for a few moments before turning away. As she walked through the house she met Cynthia in the hall and stopped her by saying,  "I would like a word with you if you have a second. This might seem foolish but I might have a problem."

Cynthia agreed and the two women went into a small room. With the door closed, Emily said, "I and my friends were raised in an orphanage and we have never dated or even have any experience with guys. But you are married and maybe you can help me understand how to respond to Daniel. He kissed me today and I did not know what to do. I have had sex education and my brain began to wonder if I was going to ... well, I think you know what is on my mind."

Cynthia with a slight knowing smile said, "I think I do understand. First plain kissing is not sex or lovemaking. It means that two people like each other. You are in control of who and when you want to have sex with. As far as the kissing part goes. Have you ever kissed anyone?"

Emily shook her head no.

"Do you know how to kiss?' ask Cynthia.

Again Emily shook her head.

Cynthia looked at Emily for a long moment as she seemed to be pondering her next comment and question. Then she asked, "Do you know what a lesbian is?"

Emily nodded yes.

Cynthia continued, "I am not a lesbian. So I am going to teach you how to kiss. You see Lloyd and I have dated since we were in junior high school. We married as soon as we graduated from college before going on to grad school. So we have been kissing for a long time before we even considered sex and then we waited until we were married."

Cynthia cupped Emily's chin in her hand and leaned forward saying, "this has nothing to do with us and will be our little secret." She gently kissed Emily on her lips for the briefest of moments. Emily stood stock still and wide-eyed. 

Emily drew in a deep breath before she could talk. When she composed herself she said, "I felt the strangest tingling sensation. Is this normal?"

"Yes", replied Cynthia. "But always remember that kissing is just kissing. If you want to go further than that then this is a different piece of information you and I will talk about." She placed one hand on Emily's neck and the other on her knees and said, "Between these two points on your body you have to decide who and when gets between these places."

Emily blushed and all she could do was nod in agreement.

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