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Time creeps so slow when every few minutes one of the girls would either look at her watch, the calendar or ask what time it is. Emily was not immune to this same behavior.

As They gazed out the window on Wednesday morning they saw a van pull into their driveway. Daniel got out and they could hear the doorbell as they all went downstairs. 

Upon opening the door, Daniel said, "The three of us are planning to take our boat out this afternoon and look to see if we caught any lobsters. we were wondering if you all would like to join us?"

The three girls smiled broadly and said yes. "Dress warmly, said Daniel, "we have slickers for you to wear on the boat."

"Slickers?", asked Samantha.

"I'm sorry. These are like raincoats to keep us dry from the ocean spray", Daniel explained. his gaze fell upon Emily and it was becoming clear to the girls that the guys had already decided which of them they would court.

Later that afternoon found the girls standing on the dock looking at what appeared to be a small white boat with orange trim. From the looks of it, they were not sure it would float once the lines were cast off but they bravely got on board and where soon on their way. Roger was at the helm with Rachel showing her how to steer while the others were busy having a short course in lobstering. As the boat rounded the southern end of Mt. Desert Island they saw, for the first time a squat while and black lighthouse perched at the edge of the rocks. 

"That's Bass Harbor Light, said William as the boat chugged along the coast. As they ventured into deeper water and the waves got a little higher the boat slowed near a red, blue, and yellow buoy. Daniel reached down with a hook and lifted the bout and its line onto a pully and the hum of a motor was heard as the line was wound into the boat. Soon a dripping wooden crate was hoisted on board. Daniel and William placed the crate (explaining that this was a lobster trap) and opening it. They took out several wriggling green lobsters of various sizes. With a measuring stick the examined each one and threw about half the catch back saying these were either too small or too big. Five lobsters were placed into an ice chest and the trap rebaited with the most awful smelling concoction the girls had ever experienced. The whole thing was tossed overboard and the process repeated over and over for the next three hours before the boat was turned and they all headed back to the harbor.

Later that evening the girls were treated to a fresh lobster dinner.

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