Not what it seems

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Later that day, Reiji took Chieko back to the mansion to have some peace and quiet. He lead her into the living room and just relaxed on the couch. Relishing each other's presence and not caring that the brothers and their lovers were in the mansion too.

"So you finally got yourself a woman now, Reiji."

Reiji and Chieko were startled that Shu was lying on another couch close to their's. His eyes were shut and he was partly listening to his classical music and his brother's conversation.

Reiji growls in annoyance from his brother's presence in the same room. "Good for nothing deadbeat." He gets up from his spot on the couch and walks away.

"Reiji?" Chieko reaches out to him, but he leaves.

She sighs in sadness. Her eyes fell to the floor, wondering why Reiji was acting like that to one of his brothers. Two feet where close to her's. She lifts up her head and sees Shu right in front of her. Without warning, he pins her down. She gasp in fear and shock. She didn't know what was happening, but she was afraid for the worse.

"Why don't you ditch that uptight brother of mine and be with me. I could pleasure you more." Shu tries to seduce Chieko.

She shakes her head in disagreement, "I'm sorry, but Reiji has gotten to me first. I with him and no one else."

Hearing what she said really shocked Shu. No girl has said something like that about Reiji, let alone being with him. He chuckles at her and releases her from his grip.

"Good to hear." he started. "Reiji needs someone and I think that someone might be you. Do me a favor and watch over that smartass brother of mine."

Chieko was confused at what he was saying at first, but nods her head in understand-ment.

"And if I were you Shu, I would move away from her before Reiji decides to kill you himself." a female voice was heard.

The voice was none other than Daruma Murata. A sly smirk was plastered on her lips. Shu gets up from his spot, but he accidentally trips and lands on Chieko. Both girls let out a gasp of shock. He tries to get up but her school bow was stuck to his school sweater. They struggled to get themselves off each other, but it was frustratingly hard. Daruma came to their aid and carefully got them unstuck. They thank her for her help and the three went their separate ways.

Chieko was looking everywhere for Reiji, but had no luck. With three more minutes, she found Reiji walking towards her. As she got closer, she felt something wasn't right. The atmosphere was beginning to feel dark. Her eyes landed on his hand. A whip was being held by him. Before she could say anything to him.


Chieko collapse on the ground holding a hand on her cheek. She looks up at Reiji with fear in her eyes. His eyes were filled with anger and sadness. A few tears were trying to escape from his eyes, but his will didn't allowed them to fall.

"R-Reiji, w-why?"

"Because you betrayed me. YOU BETRAYED ME!!!"


Reiji finally cooled down from his anger at his brother. He felt ashamed that he had to leave Chieko by herself. He composed himself and walks back to the living room. When he reaches the room, what made him stop was something that stabbed him right in the heart.

Chieko in the arms of Shu. They were both holding each other close or so it appeared.

'She betrayed me.' or so he thought.

His teeth grinding against each other and his hands turning into fists. He walks away. He enters his room and looks through his items and found it. His whip.

"It's time for you punishment, Chieko Noguchi."

End of Flashback

Chieko tries to explain her situation to Reiji, but he wouldn't listen. He whips her one more before dragging her down towards the mansion dungeon.

My Proper Lady (Reiji x OC) Where stories live. Discover now