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A/N- Smut is involved 😬🙆🏼‍♀️.Other than that, enjoy !.
"He's the best dog anyone could ever have ! He's a good dog." Derek smiled widely as we got close to his moms car . "Kilo!" Derek ran over to the car opening the door as a big white pit bull jumped out and jumping onto Derek .

Kilo wagged his tail as he sniffed me , I sat down beside my boyfriend petting Kilos Head . "He's cute." Kilo places his paws onto my knees licking my face as I laughed . I looked up at Derek as he gave me a small smile, softly pecking my lips . I looked him in the eyes as he placed them back on mine, I smiled into the kiss slowly wrapping my arms around his neck , feeling him pulling me closer.

He placed his hands on my hips licking my bottom lip, I grunted not giving him what he wanted . I felt his lips curl up into a smile as he tickled my sides making me laugh, as he got what he wanted . I deepened the kiss a little more feeling his hands roam my back .

We both pulled away quickly as Kilo got in between us, I laughed petting his head clearing my throat looking down .
Derek sighed "Wanna head back to the others?"

I nodded slowly , we walked back inside the mall to find everyone sitting on the benches waiting for us . "There you guys are!? Were you finally getting it?" Gilinsky spoke making everyone laugh as we walked out to the van . Derek grabbed my hand "No, we went to see my dog, and we were talking." He winked at me .

"Why is Kort blushing then?" Diana snickered sitting beside Johnson, I sat all the way beside the window as my boyfriend sat beside me placing his hand on my leg . "Because Diana Because."

She laughed resting her head on J, everyone was exhausted and asleep, I looked over at Derek "You okay?" He whispered softly trying not to wake anyone .  Johnson and Diana were dropped off, I sat in his lap resting my head in the crook of his neck giving it small kisses "Yeah, I'm fine."

He chuckled softly as he moved slightly facing me more "What are you doing?" I softly smirked slowly connecting my lips with his , he kissed back pulling away slowly . "I love you ." He pecked my head "I love you too Ma."

We all went back to our hotel rooms, I kicked off my shoes sitting on the edge of the bed "Wanna watch a movie?" He asked removing his shirt . I shrugged my shoulder looking down at my hands . I looked up at him as he stood in between my legs softly tracing his finger across my leg .

"Can we just talk?" I looked at his tattoos that were along his side and down his leg. "What about ?" He sat down beside me . "Your past?" I questioned softly looking up at him .

"Why that topic specifically?"

"Ever since you told me a little bit about it, it's been bothering me, going through my mind. I'm a bit curious on why you did those things. You know what, just forget I asked. I don't want to upset you." I ran my fingers through my hair leaning my back against the bed frame .

"I don't mind talking about it. I fucked up, I was abusing Drugs like a lot . I always relapsed , I would keep doing them until I would pass out or be in the hospital. My family tried everything they could to help me, I was on the urge of actual death. I was depressed, I shouldn't of been at the age of 21." He explained staring at the ground the entire time .

"Babe" he turned his whole body and faced me grabbing my hands . "Promise me you'll never become someone like I was ."  I smiled softly pecking his forehead "Promise."

"Also another thing has been on my mind all day." I chuckled nervously. "And that is?.."

I felt nervous "Ummm- What we've seen today with my brother and Madie... also G and Sienna." I mumbled playing the with Hem of the blanket . "You mean.-" he pointed at him and at me with his finger as he made a sign . I laughed and Nodded covering my face as I felt embarrassed.

Of All People// Derek Luh Where stories live. Discover now