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-1 Weeks-

We were back on the road again, We've done 6 different shows in one week , which is insane . Well I think so .

We were currently headed to Memphis, it was around 7 in the afternoon. Everyone was doing their own thing, Sammy was napping, my brother was playing Xbox and me and Derek were just cuddling on the couch watching my  brother succeed at failing on COD.

"Dammit!" Nate yelled as he died once again , I chuckled softly leaning my head on my boyfriend. Nate glared at me "Can you stop laughing? It's not funny!" He huffed setting the controller down before he stood up .  "Apparently it is or she wouldn't be laughing." Derek mumbled softly with a small giggle .

"Was I talking to you?! Did I ask you to but in?" Nate snapped at Derek . "Bub calm down it's just a game." I sat up fixing my shirt . "You're a stuck up for Pretty boy over there! Ever since you've became a thing we hardly have a sister and brother bonding." Nate began to ramble on and complain about things that always had Derek in the conversation.

"Since when do you wanna hangout with me?! You're always either at the studio or up Madies ass!" I scoffed rolling my eyes .  "Don't you dare bring my girlfriend into this! I should've never brought Derek along this tour! Let alone you ." He sneered Derek a look before he walked back to the bunks . I sighed kissing Derek's cheek "I'll be back."
I walked back to the bunks to find My brother sitting on his bunk lookin down at his phone .

"What?" He asked not bothering to look up . I scoffed crossing my arms leaning against the doorway "What the fuck is up with you? Why you being so bitchy, especially to Derek?"

"Everything is about Fuckin Derek! Derek this, Derek that! It's never us or we . I'm fuckin sick of it ! I'm getting sick of him always being up your ass, following you everywhere !" He stood up with a little bit of anger in his voice .

I rolled my eyes "Really? Now you're just sounding pathetic"

"sure okay, I'm the pathetic one, says the one who's the clingy girlfriend. Go the fuck away already!"

"No wonder everyone hates you, you're a dick." I scoffed walking back out , sitting down beside Derek . "You alright?" He mumbled softly kissing my temple . I shrugged my shoulders as Nate walked out standing in front of me .

"You know what? FUCK YOU! I'm the Famous one here , everyone Loves me and NOT you! They only see you as my little sister because that's exactly what you are! My Little Bitch of a Sister! Fuck you Guys!" He Screamed in my face as he was about to walk back . I stood up grabbing his arm, he turned around as I felt a stinging pain across my cheek .

I placed my hand over my cheek, "Sis-." I backed away from him , Derek stood up quickly as he hit My brother across his face . They began to Throw hands at each other, knocking things off the counter . Sammy pulled them off each other, He held Nate back as I placed my hand on Derek's chest looking up at him .  He was breathing heavily , His lip was busted, His left eye was forming a black eye .

"DON'T  YOU EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN! SHES YOUR SISTER!, THATS WRONG MAN! FUCKING WRONG" Derek screamed at Nate as he walked into the back, His voice cracked as he was about to cry .

He sat down on the couch running his fingers over his face as he sniffled , I placed my hand on his shoulder , He looked up placing his hand on my cheek examining my face "Did he hurt you? Are you okay?" I chuckled softly grabbing his hand "I'm fine. You should be worried about yourself."

"He fuckin Hit you! I'm not going to not worry about it. You're my girlfriend." He gave my hand a squeezed knowing the only thing that would calm him down .

I wiped the blood off his lip with the pad of my thumb, He stared at me "I love you." I smiled softly pecking his lips "I love you too."

He giggled "You have some blood on your lips baby." Running his thumb across my bottom lip, I smiled softly standing up grabbing a cold rag as I handed it to him .  Nate walked out of the bathroom as he gave me a stare before walking to his bunk , not saying a word .

Of All People// Derek Luh Where stories live. Discover now