The Cinnamon Maze

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Dark caramel on warm ashes look upon me as i hum a distinctive tune

Light filled forests reach in the flame of a storm and steals my breeze

Sweet honey suckle swirls with cocoa as they explore distant valleys 

The crackle of a fire falls upon the deadly night silence as the heat touches thee

Melted brown sugar slowly travels down a road that it is familiar with, but is never bored in 

The scent of rain upon those strong windowsills is entrancing 

It's like a golden light met with the escence of coffee, and it has never been more perfect to look at 

Breathless i realize that i can never get enogh of this

So many times have i thought that i never wanted more of this color

But as i stare deeply into them, i wonder...

How can i ever want another...


hello my darlings!!!

yes, it is me again (back at it again with those passages) JK. anyways, as you may have read in the discription, this book is going to consist on eye color and skin tones. why? well because i think all of them are fucking beautifly amazing and i just can ok? i don't know where this will go, or anything of the sorts, but i just hope that it goes well and you enjoy them as much as i like writing them.

love, leo

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