A Song of Passion and Sadness...

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I always thought that the galaxy was supposed to be in the sky

Where you could see millions of stars and plannets and always wondered where we would go when we die

But it seems that the galaxy has found a new home, right here down on earth

Distinct lotus petals float around in a white lagoon of a million experiences

I can't help to be taken back ages after i met this

your lilac scent matches perfectly with your windows above

And i can't help but wonder how it is that such perfection lingers in our world

I always believed in magic,

 in all it's fascinating ways, and just sharing this space with you i know

That magic will never be erased, it will never cease to exist

because even though you are a gem that is so rare in it's uniqueness

it is amazing by it's beauty and strength 

and by being in this room with you, i know, and feel it too

so that's how i know that you have the power of the universe at your feet

and i am honored to experience it first hand


hello my darlings!!!

so i am runnign away from my responsibilities by hiding in my writing and i am going to regret this and hate myself so much for my poor life choices and decision making.... but oh well, fuck it you know?

love, leo

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