Dark Endless Dephs

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water stained bark tree is upon your window pane, as i stare intently in a battle i cannot win

i watch in a dream like state, as you laugh about a silly thing and the color still remains

i have never thought that a color so dark could entrance me, but here i am, begging you for mercy

oh what a beautiful way have your windows captivated me, and i stare in a way, no one else has let me see 

your water filled soil,

your dark chocolate galore 

i can never really pin point the exact color you adorn 

so i try to captivate them all in a permanent way, but still, i can't seem to give them justice; to my delay

where can i find another unique shade, so it can be as close as yours?

it seems quite impossible, i tell you, it seems hardly believabe at all

here i am, a breath away from you and i am still hypnotized by those brown dark circles

and it seems that it has taken my breath with them too, and it has gone with no return

i don't know why there is so many, poems, songs, and books  about different colored eyes

when i have a perfectly good set right here, that can win any prize

i guess that not everyone appreciates the ground we stan upon

and they fantasize about the water the can drown in, to not be stabilized 

but i have always been one to appreciate the things no one else finds beautiful

and looking at your bottomless galaxy, i can't quite comprehend why another color is my favorite 

so forget the light of the sun and the clarity of the sky

i want your darkness to entrap me as if there was no escape, wiith no reason as to why

and now that we are sharing this intimate space, i can see you enjoy it as much as i do

to not be able to look away and be blinded by something that has no light at all?



hello my daarlings!!!


this is for all you lovelies that have dark chocolate beauts. all hail us with black holes as eyes.

love, leo 

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