Keleidescope Play for Me...

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i could name a thousand other colors

and it would never be close to what i see in you

they say you can't invent another color

but what i am experiencing isn't something i've seen before

maybe as a lonesome fellow

but in a pair? a bunch? oh, it's in another scale

and how you've got me pinned down on the spot

not saying a word, but there is no need for that nonesenes

cause actions speak louder than words

and your eyes have a show of their own

no place for rest in those unimaginable windows

for i can never keep up with the story teller

blessed and rejuvinated i feel when  i am with you

and it is only a matter of time where i lean in and steal you

take you away, i wish i could

so you can see what you mean to me through...

everything i've seen

because, well, when i see the world

i see you...


hello my darlings!!!

so i was uploading the passages, all chilling and when i got to this one i realised.... that i hadn't written it... woops. so i hope you enjoy it anyways, i promise to comeback when ihave more time and fix this and the other passages. but bare with me here, im trying my best.

love, leo

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