Changing Skies

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i have always been fasccinated by how the sea can reflect the sky to almost a perfect match

how is it that you have the same ability up there?

i fall silent as i am mesmerized by the unique tones of your iridesecent eyes, that in a way 

are your own set of skies

people always talk about them you know?

how they prefer the hues of blues instead of the convinience of the browns

but how is it that i can find myself looking at all of them and still wanting to drown in yours?

i fall asleep, with them in my mind, thinking

would it be as easy to drown in them as it is to drown out in the sea at night?

would they turn a shade darker if i make you see red?

or would they still have that transluscent breath taking glow instead?

i've never been one to want my favorite color in a pair of someone's soul

but looking at yours i can't help but stare 

is it that you have the ability to change my mind as the sea has the ability to change its rhythm?

because if so...

i can't help to be enamored by the thought 

of loosing myself competely and let myself drown 

in the dephs,

in the endless and bottomless dephs

that are your ocean and sky

your saphire and aquamarine

your forget me not and delphiniums

what a way to go,

what a way to go indeed


hello my darlings!!!

i think i'm going to stop apologizing everytime i don't update on the weekends... ok maybe not. i know i know, i haven't posted in a while, but college life man, it fucks you up. with doing research and studying i barely have time to drink water. but writing is my escape and i needed a break. so enjoy this and have a great week!!!

love, leo

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