November 19 2018- Chapter 2

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"BABY!!" I hear Torin scream from downstairs.
"Coming!!" I run downstairs and grab an apple before running out to the bus. I sit next to Micah, waiting for my best friend, Guys, bus stop, it was in a few km.
"Baby?" Micah asks.
"Yea Mic" I respond.
"Are you friends with Niall Ford?" I could hear the sincerity in his voice.
"Um no remember I am the girl with only one friend Mic" Oh my gosh I can't believe he actually thought I was friends with Niall, that's ridiculous, hahahahaha.
"I know that, but your hug last night with him was super long, and he kept whispering in your ear, I just don't want you to get hurt." Oh my god my little brother is crazy.
"He whispered see you at school and than left to his car Micah, don't be so paranoid, I'm still only friends with Guy" I could hear my voice raising a bit but I didn't care he was frustrating me.
"Okay sorry baby." I got up and moved forward to the seat in front of Micah as Guys bus stop was next. I watched as we pulled up in front of his house, there he stood at the back of the group of people. When he saw me a smile came to his face and he waved before hopping on the bus. He came to the back of the bus where I was and immediately pulled me into a hug.
"Roo Roo!!" He kept hugging me. "I missed you my love." I hugged him back, before pulling away and catching my breath.
"Guy you saw me on Friday" I laughed as he pulled me into his side.
"I know Roo Roo but I can't survive another weekend without you, hang out all weekend" He says referring to this weekend coming.
"I can't Guy remember, I have that SPCA charity event all weekend." It was something we tried to do every month to get our animals rescued more often.

10 minutes later after a quick catch up of everything that happened last night with Niall, we arrived at school. I walked in with my arm around Guy and Micah next to me.
"Bye Baby! See you after school" Micah says running off to find his girlfriend Amelia. I wave bye to him before giving Guy a quick hug goodbye.
"See you in Calculus Roo Roo."
"Ugh don't remind me." He laughed as we walked to our separate classes. I had Biology while he had Art.
I was walking up the stairs to the 3rd floor when someone squeezes my waist from behind me. I spin around almost losing my balance, when I see Niall laughing behind me.
"Niall? What are you doing? You never talked to me before we met."
"Oh my gosh Ru you jumped so high!" He continued laughing and I started to walk off to class again. "Wait Ru!" I turned around again waiting for him to talk. "Will you have lunch with Finn, I and our friends? We'd love to have you." He looked serious.
"Um I guess can my best friend come?"
"Sure see you at lunch Ru!" He starts to walk off. "Oh yeah and you could've told me other people had nicknames for you, Baby and Roo Roo." He walks away laughing as do I.
I made it just in time for Biology class and now was in Calculus with Guy, the class was half over when the one and only Niall Ford comes walking in.
"Ru!" He calls from the front of the class, everyone looked around the room to figure out who he was calling for. I ignore him but he keeps calling my name, before he starts walking towards where Guy and I sit. "Ru! I was calling you, why didn't you respond?" He asks pulling a chair up beside me, before plopping down and putting an arm around me. I look from Niall to Guy back to Niall before I respond, Guys face was priceless, we were never the popular kids.
"Sorry I was working on our Calculus work" I say gesturing to the page in front of me.
"Oh right, by the way that's wrong" he says pointing to the question I was working on, before he fixes it.
"Thanks, I'm not the best at Calculus if you couldn't tell, hahah." I go back to the page and I can see him looking at me out of the corner of my eye.
"I'm Guy by the way" Guy says putting his hand out for a handshake. Niall takes it and does a little bro thing, which Guy obviously does not know.
"Are you Ru's best friend?" Niall asks still looking at me.
"Yep, forever and always" I chuckle at our saying.
"Oh cool so are you two like together, um like a couple?" He says taking his arm off the back of my chair. I burst out laughing and so does Guy, Niall sits there with a confused look on his face, after I calm down a bit I respond to him.
"Guy and I? Oh my gosh nooo hahahahaha" I continue laughing as Guy talks.
"I guess you're the only person in this school that doesn't know I'm gay! Hahah Roo Roo and I are just soul mates, but as friends you know!" Niall's face relaxes and he chuckles along with us.
"Oh right whoops haha." His laugh is nervous and hilarious. The bell rings soon after our conversation and Guy, Niall and I walk to our lockers. Guy soon excuses himself so he can go to the bathroom, we arrive at my locker and I quickly unlock my locker exchanging my Bio and Calculus books for my English and Chemistry books. Niall leans up against my locker staring at me yet again. A guy walks by and starts talking to Niall as I text Guy to hurry up. He responds saying he was going out to lunch with Bryan, his on and off boyfriend.
"Is this your new girl Niall? Or I can claim her?" The Guy says wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling my back up to his front. I immediately turn around and knee him in groin before pushing him away from me. Niall pushes him away from me even more.
"No Bronson this isn't my new girl, but she isn't yours either dude! Now leave.NOW." Niall's voice started getting louder with each word. The guy, Bronson, scurries away, almost scared looking. "I'm sorry Ru" Niall says pulling me into a hug, my heart was beating so fast, guys don't usually look at me let alone try to get with me.
"Uh it's okay that just doesn't usually happen to me." I say my voice a little shaky.
"It's my fault, usually if I'm with a girl other guys assume I'm with them in that way, so they try to get with them, but I guess I have never had friends that are girls, so this is new to me" He says gesturing between us.
"Um it's okay you will get used to having me as a friend I guess, my only friend is a guy, and I have a lot of brothers so I'm used to guys and the immaturity that comes along with them hahaha." We start walking to the cafeteria slowly, his hand brushes by mine and he looks down at me, I make eye contact with him and he quickly looks away. Hahahahaha he was so not used to having friends that are girls. We arrive at the caf and make are way over to "the popular table" he sits down next to a blonde girl and kisses her cheek quickly, I recognize her as Fiona, the head cheerleader.
"Everyone this is Rudy Little, she's my new friend and she's going to have lunch with us from now on, Ru this is everyone."
"Woah Niall a friend? That's a girl? You sure you're not banging her?" A guy at the end says.
"Nope we're just friends, plus you all know Fiona and I are going 6 months strong" he says kissing the girl next to him. I sit down next to Finn, seeing as he's the only other person I know other than Niall.
"Rudy right?" A girl next to me says, while everyone else is talking to each other.
"That's such a pretty name and I'm Talia" she says putting out her hand.
"Nice to meet you and your name is beautiful!" I say shaking her hand.
"Well I'll let you know who everyone is I guess, you probably don't know anyone other than Niall."
"Well I met Finn last night too."
"Wow you just met them last night?"
"Yeah why?" I question.
"Usually it takes weeks if not months after you meet Niall to get invited to lunch, you must be pretty special to him! It even took Fiona 2 months to get invited here last year." I scrunch my eyebrows why was I so special I wonder? "Anyways seeing as you know Finn I will skip over him, the girl next to him is Maya his somewhat of a girlfriend, mostly fuck buddy. Then there is Joey, Lachlan, Olivia, Emmy, Forrest and across from you is Sawyer. Then as you know Niall and Fiona, next to me is my boyfriend Paul."
"Well I guess it's nice to know their names hahaha." I continue eating my lunch awkwardly.
"So Rudy I have seen you around, but never at lunch, where do you usually eat lunch?" The guy across from me, Sawyer, asks.
"Um usually outside with my best friend."
"Who's that?"
"Um Guy Baker" I say quietly, most people make fun of him since he's gay.
"Oh Baker yeah I know him, he's dating my good friend Brian! He seems really cool, too bad I've never seen you around with him" he says winking at me. Was he flirting with me? Nobody has flirted with me before, do I flirt back? I don't know how to flirt.
"Hahah yeah it's too bad" I wink back. Wait did I actually wink or did I blink?

It was the end of school now and I was at my locker waiting for Guy to get here so he could walk with me to the Shelter. On cue I got a text message from him.

Sorry can't walk with you to the shelter :( To busy banging my boyfriend;) -Guy

I laugh at how he shared too many details with me, always. Guess I'm walking by myself.
"I can give you a lift if you want? Where you headed?" I jumped and looked to my right seeing again the one and only Niall Ford, did I say that out loud?
"Oh my gosh Niall... can you stop scaring me and no I'm good I'll just walk by myself, I'm headed to the shelter." He laughs a bit before his face returns to his usual smirk face.
"Ooooooo can I come pleaseeee??" I look at him giving him a questionable look. "Oh right my family is looking into getting a friend for Princess, she gets lonely without anyone home during the day." That makes since, pets are known for getting lonely and stressed without humans around.
"Um sure then I'll take you up on that offer for a drive." He smirks at me, before calling someone.
"Hey Fiona I can't come hang out with you after school, sorry. I'm going to hang out with Ru today." He hangs up after a little bickering back and forth.
"I'm sorry I didn't know you had plans, you can go hang out with her, I'll walk" I say as I turn to go to the walking path.
"No no it's okay, this was my idea remember? Plus she's getting a little clingy, I'll probably break up with her soon." Hmmmm that's weird he seemed to be really into her at lunch.
"Oh why? You seemed to really like her at lunch" I look over at him and we make eye contact as we get into his car.
"I do but she just... I don't know... I think I like someone else.. and I just don't like her like that anymore."
"Okay, makes sense, sorry anyway."
"Thanks Ru!" He smiles at me, before turning back to the road.
"Oh by the way, why do you call me Ru? You don't seem to have nicknames for anyone else, not even Fiona" He seemed surprised that I asked.
"I don't know, it just seems natural with you, I've only known you for a day, but I just feel like you need a nickname from me" He had a genuine smile on his face.
"Okay, well can I call you Nia! Hahahahaha" He looked at me and laughed along.
"I like your laugh Ru!"
"Thanks Niall, oh left up here." We arrived at the shelter and I hopped out of his car right as we parked, and ran inside.

"Mandy!" I say as I hug the receptionist.
"Rudy, it's so nice to see you, you all ready for this weekend?" I nod my head before heading out back.
"What's this weekend Ru?" I turn around to see Niall had followed me back here.
"Oh um we are hosting a charity event, to get the word out there about our lovely animals and hope to get some of them adopted!" I say with a big smile on my face.
"That's awesome, maybe I will end adopted a dog this weekend!" He says smiling back at me.
"Oh yeah Niall?"
"What kind of dog is Princess? Like I know she's a small dog, but what breed?"
"Actually she isn't small at all, she is a Husky mixed with a Bernese Mountain Dog" he laughs at the look on my face.
"Oh wow she must be beautiful do you have a picture?" I ask hopeful.
"Yeah of course" He says as he shows me his lock screen photo of him hugging Princess.
"She is stunning!! How old is she?"
"She will be 5 on Christmas Day!" His face so full of joy.
"Okay well let's start looking at some beautiful pups than" I say gesturing to the barking little rascals in front of us. "I recommend not getting a small dog, as huskies don't get along that well with small dogs, but most other dogs should be great."

Thank you so much for deciding on reading my story today! Sorry this was such a long chapter;)

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