/Kaminari pov/
Oh my god im so excited but also terrified at the same time, okay Denki chill out just breath.
Once we entered the cave Like tunnel I started to have a small panick attack but clammed down when sero turned to me and gave me a smile, he's so nice. Then he did something i wasn't expecting, he grabbed my hand and kept walking, hopefully he just wanted to clam me down and not- well even if he did want something i don't see him that way.
(must sacrifice a beautiful ship for this fanfic ₍₍ (̨̡ ‾᷄ᗣ‾᷅ )̧̢ ₎₎ ..hm)
Even though I felt kinda calmer I still feared the worst but I was the one who wanted to do this anymore...gotta such it up.
It was colder inside, small puddles littered the ground along with claw marks and what im gonna assume is old scraps of metal. After going deeper into the cave the light from outside started to fade, soon bakugou made a torch so we wouldn't be blind.
/Baku pov/
Great, just fucking great. God I hate that we can't just see in the dark, but no we have to light up the goddamn DRAGON cave..we're gonna die, shit.
"Keep your guard up, I'm putting this fucking thing out" kneeling down I lightly dropped the end of my torch into one of the puddles, excepting it to go out and luckily it did.-
It's been 15 minuets since we came in here, and fuck is it hot but we continued to make our way in, that is until we heard footsteps coming from deeper within the cave.
Turning I pushed everyone towards the wall, hoping we could blend in and not get spotted.
I could hear the others (mostly Kaminari) breathing quiet fast, I gave shoji a look and he nodded, moving slightly he covered up sero and kami mouth, that helped a little.
/No one pov/
Not long after they heard the voice, two figures from the shadows came closer to the group, seeming to not noticed their presents.
"I heard someone" the one in red spoke, his voice quite yet harsh. They couldn't get a good look at them due to how dark it was in here, even though their eyes had adjusted to the darkness.
"No one is here, your hearing things man, come on let's go back" the one who looked to have silver hair spike, putting his hand on the others shoulder. "And besides, people are to scared to come up here, only an idiot wo-" he stopped and shot his eyes up, looking around at the darkness as if he could see something.
"Let's go" grabbing the others upper arm he started pulling him back the way they came, that is until something behind them moved.
/kami pov/
'Holyshitholyshitholyshit BAKUGOU WHAT ARE YOU DOING' reaching out I tried to grab onto his arm before he decided to start heading towards them but I was to late, yeah sure there's just two of them and like five of us BUT THERE BOTH BUFF AS HELL.
Stupid bakugou, trying to kill yourself.
"Hello shitheads" 'YOU CANT GO AROUND CALLING PEOPLE THAT DIPSHIT' running out to drag him back I noticed he was only a few feet away from the pair, giving the two a smug look.
"I was wondering why the hell you guys are here, you do know this is where dragons live right?"
The two just stood there, we still couldn't see them but I feel like their just shocked to see people up here after what the one with silver hair just said.
"Oh you actually believe those stories? Huh, sorry to break to ya pal but dragons don't exist" the more buff one crossed his arms as he said that, only putting on a smile.
The four of us stood behind bakugou, im sure I was the only one who looked like a gun was pointed at me, but hey I'm shook.
"Ugh, ya know what never mind just come on fuckers" bakugou tried walking passed the two but was stopped by a hand on his arm.
"Uh, sorry but we don't think you should go further then this" the red one said, his voice was softer now but still sounded harsh to me.
Hope that was okay :0

My dragon /kiribaku/tetsukami/
FantasyOkay so before you start reading, there's a bunch of spelling mistakes and grammer that I didn't brother to change, most of it was because I was young but, also have dyslexia, so, enjoy? //Four years ago a village was destroyed by what the people...