"So...uh..are you guys..?"
After that, they asked about hearing dragons and we said no, since dragons don't come until April.
"Told you asshat, it was a bear" bakugou said in his I'm guessing normal tone, Kaminari sighed but nodded.
"Well I guess this mission was unsuccessful " rubbing his neck Kaminari stood and starched, looking kinda tired.
Looking up at them I started feeling slightly more calm."Well yeah, but now we have some assholes to bring back" wHAT.
-next day-
So apparently bakugou decided to take us with him, not even asking or anything..sigh.
Now we're all just walking down the mountain, it's still kinda awkward though, hopefully we don't stick around to long. Looking at Kaminari he seems nervous, shrugging I walk up beside him and smile "heh, so uh do you guys think we will fit in well?"
He looked at me with a small closed eye smile "of course, don't worry about. The people there are friendly, well most are" pointing to bakugou I let out a chuckle "I'm guessing not everyone has his temper?" Nodding he told me more about their little moving town, I didn't talk much but I asked a few questions and made a few jokes. Next thing I new we were talking nonstop to each other, then sero joined in and so did tetsu.
/tetsu/It felt like we've been walking for hours, not a nice or pleasant feeling to be honest. Nonetheless we eventually made it to their home, well homes.
Some turned to look at us but most kept to what they were doing, not that I care. It was less a problem for me, so meh. Looking in kiri' direction I noticed he had a sad/feared expression, walking over I patted him on the back and stuck out my tongue "chill out dude"
Looking forward I realized bakubrat stopped and was talking to some girl who looked to be a witch, not the first time I've seen one but not this close, cool.
She sent a slight glare our way, which made me freeze for a second but shook it off. Bakugou came back with a scowl, one that made me seem even more mad.
"Ok we don't have enough tents for you fuckers, so I'm giving you asshats two choices" glaring at us me crossed his arms and tapped his foot "either stay with someone from this group or sleep outside in a sleeping bag"
Obviously we're going in a sleeping b-
"I'll take kirishima!" -ag...
Looking at the little blonde one I groan to see him with his arm around kiri' shoulders "..." crossing my arms I turned my attention to the red head and raised a brow.
He had a bright smile, showing those shark(or dragon) like teeth "I'd been down for that, but um, tetsu what ya gonna do?" Shrugging I put my hand on my hip and the other rubbing my nape "I don't know..?" Looking around I already knew I didn't wanna be paired up with tokoyami or shoji, considering they were walking away from the group. "..." sero and bakugou were left but I knew me and mr blonde wouldn't get along, so looking at sero I felt uncomfortable, he looked uncomfortable.
Nope nope nope nope, kami is NOT going with that red head freak, he's to friendly towards him. Heck I'd feel more comfortable with the grey one with Kami....or me?
"I have an idea, since my tent is small and can only fit one person and your tents can fit around two to three we can have kirishima and tetsu-""Share tents with bakugou and me, okay kirishima you can go with me and tetsutetsu can go with bakugou"
What, kami no.
"No I mean-"
"Straight teeth is right, I doubt weird eyelashes is a damn quiet sleeper or good company, I'll take weird hair, kami take him" bakugou noooo...
/Baku/Great fucking plan sero, now we're stuck with theses two until we make tents for them, sighhhh. "Come on weird hair, its already getting late so let's go" grabbing his upper arm I practically dragged Him away to my tent. Stepping inside I started to grab extra blankets and a sleeping bag, just to be nice a pillow then threw them at him. "Just, pick somewhere to put your area, don't get in my way either or you're gotta here , got that?"
Glaring at him he gave a simple nod with a smile, rolling my eyes I flopped onto my bag and blankets then heard a shift next to me..."why the fuck are you right beside me fuckface"
"Because I wanna get to know ya man!" Does he ever stop smiling? So annoying.
"Well you don't needa be so close, just go to the other side idiot " that he did, of course it wasn't that far but still it felt better plus it'd be hard to get outta bed, no one needs that.
Not even five minutes later he was already talking nonstop, asking stupid questions like 'why are you living in tents' or 'how does it feel being a leader' god does he ever shut the fuck up!?.
"Look I'm tired, go the fuck to sleep asshole" pulling the blanket up I let out an annoyed huff.
"No problem man, I get it everyone needs sleep after all" finally he's quiet.
After bakugou dragged kirishima away we stood there awkwardly until sero spoke up.
"Ya know, if ya want I can stay with Kami and you can take my tent" he said pointing at his, rolling my eyes playfully o waved my hand in front of them "it's fine man, besides I'd feel awful letting him sleep alone..that didn't come out right" looking away I had to reorganize myself then turned back to them "thanks for tryna help through man" smiling at sero I made my way to the tent with tetsutetsu following behind.
Stepping in I grabbed everything he needed and set up his area "sorry but I don't have an extra pillow, that's one thing we needa make but people always forget" sitting down I took off my sweater and threw it aside, then blobbed out. "Hey tetsutetsu, how long have ya and kirishima been together?"
"We're not together!" He sat down and ran a hand through his hair, it was uneven so strands were still hanging over his face but not many. "Just friends that have the same problem"
"Oh yeah..the hardening skin thing.." sitting up I looked at him with a huge grin "mind if I see you do it?"
"I guess " immediately all I saw was sliver, his body was a steel colour and looked smooth. Getting up I kneeled down and ran my hand down his arm in awe "this is amazing, it's so smooth!"
Sorry it took so long! I was somewhere that has no internet ;-;

My dragon /kiribaku/tetsukami/
FantasyOkay so before you start reading, there's a bunch of spelling mistakes and grammer that I didn't brother to change, most of it was because I was young but, also have dyslexia, so, enjoy? //Four years ago a village was destroyed by what the people...