-no one
Bakugou knew he had feelings for kirishima, but him being a leader he had to Focus on that responsibility first, not the red head. So it would be easier to end whatever they had before.., anything really happens he'll regret. Sighing a little katsuki walked off to find shoji to ask about the wagon they had to use.
"Arms, how's the wheels? It'll make it to that fucking snow storm?" He leaned against the wagon while staring down at the strong armed man.Shoji gave bakugou a thumbs up before getting back to putting on the last wheel "it will hold, just need to get the meats on and strap them down then we'll be ready to leave" he said after shaking the wagon to see if it will hold. Bakugou nodded then left shoji and makku to get the meats ready.
The blonde wondered around, checking up on someone sometimes, he needed to know who was coming and staying. There were few who said they'd stay, like some of the elders , they didn't need to go. Some being to old or not in the mood to travel, nonetheless katsuki respected their choice and left them alone. Keepers stayed to watch over, they didn't mind either since they enjoyed the many tales they were told.
Katsuki left them be, instead now trying to find sero & kaminari to see If the horse were feed and ready to leave at any moment. Going towards the stables he was greeted by tetsu, along with kiri.
Both boys gave a smile but kirishima was a slight pinker then his silver haired friend. Bakugou thought it was cute, the pinkish-reddish colours matched him, like a lot.
I pushed past the hunk of metal but just managed to not bump kirishima (somehow), glancing back I shot a small smile towards him but stopped myself, and continued walking.
"Oi! Assholes are the horses feed? Because I wanna get going and get back quickly" I groaned kinda, I hated going to that damn waste land, it was so cold and I couldn't use my damn magic! Stupid side effects. The two shot their heads around and sero thumbs upped me while Kaminari stuck his tongue out.
"It'll fall out if ya keep sticking it out ya know " a annoying voice said, but at least it made that damn blonde idiot stick his tongue back it (that sounded wrong...💀😂) turning I saw tetsutetsu with his arms crossed, looking smug
(he's actually just standing there with a smile, bake just doesn't like him 😂) like always, rolling my eyes I remember I forgot to ask about the thing. "Oh fuck, forgot to ask. Are any of you fuckers staying?" Sero and kaminari said they were going, tetsutetsu shook his head but looked kinda nervous, weirdo."What do you mean? Are you going somewhere?" And fuck I forgot to tell him.
Face palming I moan but look at him cross armed "Yeah, We're Going to that icyhots camp for that dinner thing, forget to mention it to ya" I softly but harshly said, trying sound annoyed but right now I felt kinda..dumb, forgetting a lot of shit damnit.
Kirishima thought for a moment but shrugged and put his hands on those thicc hot as- uh...his hips. "May as well come, Sounds fun going somewhere new"
And with that I've asked everyone, thank. Fucking. God.
-time skip because I'm lazy and wanna sleep and no ones pov-
So most of the camp left, only few were staying. Bakugou was on his horse, bored of the ride, he'd have to be on this damn this for a few hours. They always left a day before the actual dinner to get there sooner and leave. Unlike most of the people bakugou hated the winter with a passion, he just coy stand it. The coldness, it was wet, and the heat left your body once surrounded by it.
He sighed and looked around trying to distract himself, he spotted sero talking with Mina, it was funny how they had done little group. Of course Kaminari started it when they were within the year of their sad camp lives. Katsuki remembered how friendly Kami was with everyone but only chose few to actually hang out with, that few consistent on Mina, sero, and himself. Now kirishima and tetsutetsu were added, he was kinda, slightly glad that blonde idiot decided to befriend the two, gave him a excuse to be with kirishima without the group thinking anything (Mina •̀.̫•́✧)
But he had to stop, stop thinking about him like that. Even if he didn't want to.
-time skip-
When they arrived at the camp katsuki, kiri, and tetsutetsu were shivering like they had a gun pointed at them. Bakugou has his cap wrapped tightly around his upper body, kiri had a thin jacket while tetsu had a long sleeve shirt.
Once off the horse the group quickly entered the ice like structure, it was warmer inside thankfully. Todoroki was already waiting, along with midoriya, iida and some person with purple wild hair. It was even wilder then kirishimas and bakugou, kinda like midoriyas but longer.
Bakugou stomped up to the duo but remained calm for the most part, he turned to the purple haired guy and pointed "who dis?" The guy looked extremely tired, dark bags under his eyes, this boi needed sleep.
Todoroki looked at him then turned back to bakugou "this is shinsou, iida' boyfriend " he said plainly, bakugou shrugged and made a Gesture for sato to grab the food, with the help of shoji. (They cook the food when theses dinners happen)
"Let's just get this over with, your damn place it freezing" the ashy blonde left to the kitchen where he found cooks, but lost importantly. Heat.
Todoroki said his goodbyes to his friends, he needed to go finish some work with momo on something about making a city of ice.
Midoriya smiled and kissed him goodbye and went to find Kami, iida joined along with shinsou, well he was dragged along. After a few minutes they found the teenaged group, then walked over.
"Hey guys" midoriya and iida said with a bright smiles, like seriously shinsou could swear he saw some ice melt when midoriya and iida smiled. Scary.
The group turned and greeted them, they talked for awhile but kinda stopped when kiri said something.
"So like me and tetsutetsu actually never saw snow, it's cold as hell" Kami, sero, Mina, midoriya, iida and shinsou stared at the duo then all (except shinsou) made bright faces "we have to show you guys around! Then have a snow fight or maybe build snow man or maybe something else like-" midoriya kept rambling on, kirishima didn't know if he should stop him or not, I mean it's the leader of this camps future husband, don't wanna start something.
"Midoriya your rambling again " iida said surprisingly loud but friendly somehow.
"Sorry iida"Then they walked around, both hard bois loved it.
.....hard bois 😂

My dragon /kiribaku/tetsukami/
FantasiOkay so before you start reading, there's a bunch of spelling mistakes and grammer that I didn't brother to change, most of it was because I was young but, also have dyslexia, so, enjoy? //Four years ago a village was destroyed by what the people...