Time froze as screams of young children and woman filled the air, in a few seconds the two were heading towards the entrance, hearts racing with fear."It can't be him-" Kirishima said in a whisper, hoping that it was only his imagination that wished for it to be the blonde angered teen that haunted his thoughts and dreams. Though he stopped when he saw sero, Mina, todo, momo, midorya....and Bakugou.
Kiri pov.
My heart skipped a beat when I laid my eyes on ashy blonde wild hair, without thinking my feet started to moved but I almost tripped when hands gripped my elbow "what-"
"Enjiro! What are you doing!?" I heard a deep and raspy voice say, facing the man it was the elder that scolded us when we came back, crimson riot. My eyes watered knowing what I was gonna say "what do you mean? I was..I was gonna defend our home?" He gave me a raised brow, I was awful at lying but I hoped he would buy it long enough for me to at least see him, I hated lying to riot since he was like a father to me. His grip softened as he laid a hand on my shoulder "aim for the throat" then he also charged forward with a few following. Wiping my eyes, I ran towards the group at full speed.
No one pov
Bakugou fought off everyone that came for him, it didn't help though since theses people seemed to be immune to any type of fire, probably cause it's so hot in here. "WHERES KAMINARI YOU ASSHATS" he shouted with anger, turning to a young man he was shoved to the ground with thud. He was stunned when their faces met, his heart stopped along with his breathing.
"I missed you, katsuki" Kirishima whispered, his eyes were glossy with tears streaming down his cheeks "I'm so sorry, I couldn't tell you" he said with a forced smile. Everyone around them seemed to be moving in slow motion as the two starred at one another, as if they were the only ones there.
Bakugou soon reorganized himself, pushing Kirishima off he only starred at him with anger, rage and heartbreak "so you were shifters huh?" "Kat-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" He shouted, the battle died down a little after that since Bakugous group spotted tetsu standing just beyond reach and Kirishima sitting up starring at their leader. Along with the shifters of old and new, starred with confusion at the young men. "Enijiro! What did I say?" The elder man said in a stern voice, his sharp teeth showing.
Kirishima flinched at his voice, he didn't face him out of fear "I-"
Bakugou didn't look away from the red haired man sitting in front of him, he only looked numb. Gripping his ashy hair, he groaned. "It makes so much. Sense now. FUCK"
Riot decided this little thing wasn't important, once again he charged but the others stood there still confused. Aiming for Bakugou, he reached his claws out to slice his throat and end this. Kirishima with a quick movement stood in front of him, arms out shielding the boy behind him. The elder stopped himself, hand inches from cutting Kirishimas face, the boys breathing was heavy. He could've died just now.
"Enijiro! What in God's name are you doing!? Out of my way now!" He demanded, pissed at the boy for doing something so stupid.
"NO- you leave him alone!" The young man said, growling at his elder that raised him since birth. Bakugou starred at the two, as did everyone else.
"You've grown weak with theses people! What happened to the boy that watched a village burn down with joy in his eyes?" Crimson riot said, lowing his hand and standing straight to be at eye level with kiri.
Kirishima shook slightly with anger at those words, Bakugou noticed and reached out to him but stopped when" YOU FILLETOUR HEADS WITH LIES, you said we were of higher purposes then humans, but we're not, all we can do is shapeshifte, anything else they feel sadness, joy, love...and you-..we took that from them. The least you could do is let them go!"

My dragon /kiribaku/tetsukami/
FantasiaOkay so before you start reading, there's a bunch of spelling mistakes and grammer that I didn't brother to change, most of it was because I was young but, also have dyslexia, so, enjoy? //Four years ago a village was destroyed by what the people...