I told tetsutetsu he was being moved to bowing, all he did was smile and make his way to the archery area. Mina will take care of him, hopefully she'll be hard on the jerk.
Yeah I still kinda didn't like him, I mean he acts all nice when people are around but once he's alone with me the asshole doesn't even glance at me, like I care though, fucker. That's all he is, a fucker that gETS IN THE FUCKING WAY AND IS ALWAYS AROUND WHEN KIRI-....nevermind.
Shaking the thought away I stomp to my troupe, the people in it was shoji, kirishima and koda. They weren't the worst, shoji was big but made up for it in skill, he once led us to a herd of dear deep within the forest, impressive. Koda isn't so bad either but he's so annoying, even though he doesn't talk much, he whimps about how we kill the animals, yeah your an animal lover, so what? I got stomachs to feed. What he does is mostly make animal noises and draws them in, it works most of the time. Then kirishima, kirishima, kirishima....its not that he's bad, he's just...bad. Yeah he was worst when tetsutetsu was here but still, the idiot can't keep his mouth shut and it chases the dear away! Fucking shit for hair, ruining our hunt.
-time skip to after they get the dear-
The Journey back to camp was quite, it's understandable since Koda liked a moment of silence for the animals we get, I didn't do anything about it, I may ve an asshole but im an asshole with respect. Kinda.
By the rime we made it back the weather had begun to change, first it was sunny but shifted to Heavy winds and rain, I think a storm was coming to.
/no one/
Bakugou was right, a storm was coming, and it wasn't going to be pretty.
People started closing up their tents, sadly the newer ones weren't property made and wasn't able to handle the weather, lucky the only new tent was kirishima. The red head had to take it down, and fast enough to not get to soaked. Grabbing the thing he rushed over to bakugou, he sometime let the guy stay with him when this happened, well it only happened once before.
Sprinting towards bakugou' tent I rushed in, kinda tired but put on a smile for my bro. Even though I haven't known him long I felt more comfortable with him then anyone else in the camp (except tetsu, kinda like brothers :0)
Setting the tent to a corner I took a seat next to baku' blanket(kinda like a sleeping bag) while he sat on it, not playing attention to Me but instead some book he had, looking over at it I noticed it had a dragon emblem on the front, guessing its about dragons..
Laying back i try get comfortable, which ends in success, now just gotta get bakugou to talk.
"Bakugou, get bakugouuuuuu....BAKUGOU" poking him I turn over, still poling at his leg. Then it happens.
"WHAT!?! WHAT DO YOU WANT KIRIshima!?!" His tone was annoyed, so so annoyed. Heh, cute though. Smiling up at him I sit up and poke his face, slapping my hand away in the end though but meh. Grabbing his book I turn it around, reading over the words it says "....interesting book, did not know you liked reading on myths and stuff, but hey if dragons are real then anything possible " giving it back, all he dose it shut it and toss the thing to a corner.
"The stuff is boring as hell, all i wanted to know was how to kill em is all" nodding at that, i lay back down and shut my eyes. "Bakugou, how long do you think the storm will be?" From what I can tell he leaned back, getting more comfortable as well "fuck should I know " I chuckled, opening my eyes "hopefully it passes"
-two days later-
/kami/The storm didn't stop, it only seemed to get worse and worse as the days went by, luckily every tent was givin supplies to last during storms, once a few years ago a heavy storm hit us, it lasted a week but this one us kinda worse.
Me and tetsutetsu just sat there talking for a few hours, no one dared go outside like this, not bakugou.
So we sat here, chatting away.
______-----_____________This chapter is so bad, but I'll TRY get some romance in the next chapters xD

My dragon /kiribaku/tetsukami/
FantasyOkay so before you start reading, there's a bunch of spelling mistakes and grammer that I didn't brother to change, most of it was because I was young but, also have dyslexia, so, enjoy? //Four years ago a village was destroyed by what the people...