Soon everyone was done packing, Katsuki couldn't help but smile and feel so happy about finally rebuilding their lives. Walking towards his little group of friends he noticed Sero and Mina trying to calm a sobbing Kaminari, going up to them he raised a a brow "What's going on idiots? Why's dence face-""Bakugou!" Mina gave the blonde a dark glare but it faded once reality hit her in the face, bakugou didn't know. "Oh bakugou..." her voice soften, it had a hint of sadness. She leaned over towards Sero to speak with him, he was the only one she could go to right now about her two...well four adopted boys.
Lacing their fingers Mina pulled Sero away from the two, her expression sad but determined. "Sero, I don't k ow what to say to bakugou! I know he hasn't shown it much but he really cares for kirishima, and I think even liked him! My poor baby... no! My two poor babies" she let out a sad sigh and looked up at Sero with questioning eyes "I'll talk to Kaminari, you go speak with bakugou "
"Yeah, let's just hope..shit" turning on his heel Sero speed back towards the two blondes, though seems he was a little to late to tell bakugou himself. His eyes landing on a...pissed off looking Bakugou comforting a sniffing Kaminari. Sero went back to them with Mina following behind him. When he looked down at them, black eyes met crimson red, bakugou.
"So, when did they leave?" Katsuki stood up to be at eye level with the duo, his tone came off as dark and threatening, yet heartbroken and hollow. It wasn't like him, although it also wasn't like him to get attached either, yet he did. His only question now was, where did he go?
"This morning, before you guys got back. Their things were gone, then Kaminari mentioned tetsutetsu leaving. Guess he convinced kirishima to go with him.." Mina blurted out, sadness in her voice. She liked the two, they fit in so well with their little group.
Katsuki stood there looking at them, an empty expression, turning to Kaminari he looked down. Crimson meeting golden, then he reached out his hand, Kaminari took it and with a quick pull they were at eye level. "Let's go, I don't have the fuckin time to deal with runaway cowards." Letting his hand fall, the ashy blonde left towards the horses, the rest following behind.
-one week later
It took some time for everyone to settle into their new simple life, some being farmers while others were still hunters, Mina was one, Kaminari still helped out however he could, Sero farmed. Bakugou however, hadn't done anything, just stayed in his house, locking himself away from the world. The three had tried getting him out, even todoroki tried helping but to no avail. He couldn't take the pain of Kirishima leaving and the others knew that, even if he'd never admit it to them.
-kiri pov
It's been a week since we left, since I left Katsuki. I missed him, we're back in our cave, or what's left of it,m. I found it so comforting before but was cold, cold without him. Tetsutetsu hadn't bring anything up, he said to forget them and move on, I can't and I know he can't either. April is just around the there's no point in going back, not gonna make them suffer again.

My dragon /kiribaku/tetsukami/
FantasyOkay so before you start reading, there's a bunch of spelling mistakes and grammer that I didn't brother to change, most of it was because I was young but, also have dyslexia, so, enjoy? //Four years ago a village was destroyed by what the people...