Sooner then expected our conversation made it to a holt, both not having anything to really chat about now. we sat there in silence, both of us now doing our own thing for awhile. Well that's how it was until he decided to bring something the camp deeply wanted to avoid all together.
"Hey Kami..I have a question " he paused for a moment, looking a little hesitant but proceed with his question "since we're all teenagers...well most of us..uhm....like when are y'all planning to keep it..uh...ya know " oh no no no, noooooo tetsu whyyyyy. Staring at him for what seemed like forever I mastered up the courage to finally speak, just gotta find the right words now. Oh boy.
Straightening up, my hand makes it's way to the back of my nape, not fully use to this conversation "uh...I don't know? I've suggested to leave this...whatever it is and go out separate ways" lies " but those who did go their own way...from what I've heard were said to be crazy and killed, like even if they were around a villagefor a hole year!! So bakugou told the people who left to not say anything about us or what happened in the past" it was something we need to hide, others wouldn't understand put situation or how to help, yes there are wizards and witches but none could take down a dragon! "...so back to the point...we don't know, maybe someone will fall in love? Or at least have a little fun for the night? Who knows"
It was quiet, something like this happened when people brought up the topic during camp meetings, an uncomfortable subject but none avoidable.
(Idk, Lets just say people in the camp stay together and some want to make the village again? Just role with it...:/ )
People like ochako and asui didn't have to deal with this problem, yeah they were together after all, im happy for them.
We sat there with only our thoughts, after a few minutes he slowly nodded, hopefully letting the subject go for awhile. Now that done abd done ima just-
"What happens if you're not into girls?"
Shitshitshitshit shiiiiiiiiiit, Damnit tetsu ".....um...." No I don't wanna talk about this anymore.
Pulling the blanket over my shoulders I shrugged, putting on a frown "its fine, i mean we already have a same sex couple here.. Plus i think theres a few..others who like the same sex? I don't know" smiling i lay down, still kinda staring at him "why ya ask?"
He shrugged at the question, then decided to lay down too while putting on a soft smile "maybe i didn't want to feel odd? Ya see im not into girls..like at all"he shifted a little, looking uncomfortable.
I on the other hand felt the exact same, uncomfortable as hell. I mean I figured he was gay since I seen him checking out shoji or bakugou but I'm still shocked, god now I'm wondering if he actually IS with kirishima...hope not.
I haven't told anyone but sero that I'm..wall bi, it still shakes me up, thinking I'm different but when asui and ochako came out most were happy for them. I don't feel so odd, now I know tetsu is gay I feel more comfortable with myself...maybe I should tell him. "It's...cool how you came come out so easily, I wish I was that comfortable with it as you" pausing I try to continue but nothing comes out "..." don't back out now, just say it damnit!
"I wanna come out, only person I've told was sero...he's cool with it, Im pretty sure he's trying to get with me or something but i keep rejecting him..... wait shit I said to much" turning over I hide under the covers don't look at me.
It was silent the rest of the night.
Got this is so fucking boring! There's nothing to do just sit, chat, sleep, eat and other shit I could care less about. Kirishima has been a nonstop chat box for HOURS ON END. Like shit this guy never stops, once he's done with one shitty topic he moves on to another one! Even though SOME of his subjects were...kinda interesting...BUT THAT DOESNT CHANGE HOW ANNOYING HE IS FOR FUCK SAKES. Sigh.
Laying down I blocked him out, I think he was talking about how grass is amazing or some shot like that. Shutting my eyes I imagined how life would be right now if those basterds didn't ruin shit, fuck katsuki it doesn't matter! Letting that thought go I let my mind wonder, just relax. .........then I'm violently shaken outta my PEACEFULFUCKINGTHOUGHT.
"BAKUGOU!!! You're not listening to me!" Kirishima whines, ughhh this guy.
"Kirishima I've been listENING TO YOU FOR HOURS" I shout back, he doesn't seem bothered though, sighhh. Rolling his eyes I stiffened, "did, DID YOU JUST-" "yea I just rolled my e y e s" he has done fucking balls.Three minutes later
He kept talking and I had no choice but to listen, he's a pretty interesting guy. Talks about weird shit but who doesn't.
I went everywhere blah this looks so messy :( XD

My dragon /kiribaku/tetsukami/
FantasyOkay so before you start reading, there's a bunch of spelling mistakes and grammer that I didn't brother to change, most of it was because I was young but, also have dyslexia, so, enjoy? //Four years ago a village was destroyed by what the people...