After crossing the border todoroki left back to his land, the snow was gone and people started removing their blankets, and putting them away. It was night and most were to tired to go any further, bakugou decided they'd make a fire and rest for a bit. It'd only take a few more hours till they reached their camp, he wanted to get back as soon as possible but people just had to complain. Sigh.Bakugou said he'd keep watch while they rested. Almost everyone went into a slumber, only a few actually stayed up and did nothing really. The people who were up, is Mina, shoji and tokoyami (he went with them, just for awhile) the two mostly kept to themselves. Mina on the other hand found any way to bug bakugou, poking him, being a nonstop chatter box or just leaning on him with all her weight(which wasn't that much)
"PINKY! Piss off already!" Bakugou snapped at the girl, she just smiled and sat up to be at his level.
She stuck her tongue out at him playfully "your no fun baku! Lighten up a bit, geez" the pink teen poked his cheek then peeked over his shoulder to stare at kirishima who was laying next to katsuki with a soft harmless smile "ya know, he's kinda cute asleep"
"Shut up" he warned the girl, for some reason that comment made him upset? Like how she had the nerve to call kirishima 'cute' in front of him, was he jealous? Of course others would find this idiot cute, he had everything. Nice tan skin, a bright smile that comes put the stars to shame, a body that the gods only wished for. Plus he was an amazing kisser.
Why wouldn't anyone want that?Mina stayed silent but then smiled and leaned on him again "so you don't find kirishima cute? Not even a little?" "He's decent" she let out a giggle then continued on "okay mr 'nobody' cute' since he's rooming with you, know if he has a type??" She put on a grin, Mina wasn't actually interested in kirishima, she just wanted to see if bakugou was. (She knows baku is gay) "didn't say" "oh, well may as well see when he wakes up, maybe he's into grumpy ashy blondes" she teased, Baku knew what the girl was trying to do. He wasn't gonna give her that satisfaction.
"Nah, probably silver haired guys, like that asshat who came with em" he smirked back at her, he wouldn't say it but he liked talking to Mina, yeah most of the time she's an idiot and annoy but she could get real and truly tried to help people. "Ha, please they're always saying 'we're not together' like every time someone tries so say otherwise, that and I think their brothers sometimes, act so similar don't cha think? Oh and I think kiri is into ashy blondes, because one day I saw him checking the hell outta you by son"
Katsuki' face reddened and he couldn't help but put on a small smile while covering his mouth and putting his head on his kneels "oh my god Mina shut the fuck up" he mumbled, Mina laughed at him but patted his back "shh, it's okay! Mama Mina is here to talk about you're hormones and relationships anytime!" "MINA"
The two chatted until everyone started getting up, then they all headed back to camp.

My dragon /kiribaku/tetsukami/
FantasyOkay so before you start reading, there's a bunch of spelling mistakes and grammer that I didn't brother to change, most of it was because I was young but, also have dyslexia, so, enjoy? //Four years ago a village was destroyed by what the people...