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-Elle's POV-
"Elle wake up!" I heard someone call and I slowly opened my eyes. "You're alive! Gosh you have no idea how happy I am to see your face" I said really relieved it was just a dream. "I'm glad you are okay you were freaking out for a while" He said. "I'm really sorry I had a nightmare about Josh" I mumbled.
I looked at the time 6:00am, "the boys go home today for a couple weeks before tour" I groaned getting out of bed.
I put on some leggings and a sweatshirt, brushed my teeth and hair and went downstairs.
The air smelled like French toast and bacon. I hugged my mom and got some food. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs turned around and saw Hunter behind me looking like he didn't get any sleep. "You look dead" I said smiling. "Good morning and I am" he sighed. "What's up" I asked him. "I'm worried about you and don't want to leave" He said looking straight into my eyes. "I don't want to worry you. Plus you have so much on your plate with tour staring soon. Blake will be here soon I'll be safe I promise" I said giving Hunter a big hug.
We all sat at the table eating breakfast. I was quiet really quiet until Hunter spoke and said "I'm going to miss it here and we all are going to miss you. It's a full month until tour starts" Hunter said obviously sad. Brandon agreed with everything before the awkward silence continued.

"Could flight 765 to Arizona please board" the lady said over the loud speaker. Meaning Brandon and Hunter had to leave. I gave everyone a big hug before we said our goodbyes.
We got to the house and walked in to the tv being on and a half eaten bowl of popcorn on the table.
When we walked past the tv to check everything else. Blake's beaten battered face popped up on the tv.
"Princess if you want pretty to live come down to 5781 Riverside alone if you want him to live." Wait that's a girls voice??? "No Elle please do it she'll hurt you" Blake pealed with tears in his eyes. "Shut your mouth pretty boy or I kill both of you." She warned and slapped him across the face. "I love you" he whispered before the screen went black again.
Tears started running down my face. All I could do right now was cry. There was a knock at the door and Aiden answered it. He saw a bunch of police standing outside on the other side of the door. "We have information for both you" the officers informed. "Josh is on the run in Europe and says that someone threatened him saying they would kill everyone he love if he didn't help" the officer explained.
"Josh loves his mom a lot. "Did he know who the girl was?" "No idea" the officer said.
"Aiden we have to get out of here" I said grabbing my shoes and walking out to the car. "Where?" He said really nervous. "The movie I need to get my mind off of all this stuff" I lied I need to be the one to end all of this.
We pulled up to the address where Blake was being held. "Please be safe I won't be far behind oh and Elle I love you" He said meaning every word that came out of his mouth. "I love you too Aiden" I said tearing up a little bit.
I made my way to the door. I walked around for a little bit until I saw a body all tied up and beaten. They had dark brown hair so it wasn't Blake I turned and saw Hunter.
I ran to him and untied him, He looked so weak and broken. "What did they do to him" I heard Aiden walk in behind me. "Keep going I'll watch out for him" Aiden said before I kept walking forward.
I kept walking until I got to the top floor and saw Blake. "Elle please don't they have Hunter" Blake said looking scared. " I know Aiden and I found him he's okay I promise trust me" I said looking at him.
I walked closer to Blake and untied him. " well well well if isn't miss princess coming to save the day" I turned and saw Tessa she slapped me. "Why Blake" I asked her seriously. "Who else? Hunter? Brandon? Ashton? Way to obvious. So I chose Blake I don't know him but he seems pretty important to you so it's a win win. Kill someone you love and hurt you at the same time. I don't really want to Kill Blake but you?" She said laughing. I felt a sharp pain going all the way down my body. "Samantha this is so messed up, I'm definitely NOT getting back together with you know that you've come after my family and someone we all love." I head Brandon say. "What are you waiting for? You already stabbed me kill me already" I say lying on the floor in pain. I looked at my stomach blood pouring out of it. "Samantha come here" Tessa called out for her.
"Brandon forgive Samantha or Elle dies" Tessa threatens holding my body over the edge. "Brandon you don't have to do this" I said to him. "No I forgive you, I still like you. I only broke up with you for Hunter. Brandon said walking over to Samantha and kissing her.
"Good boy Brandon but I still want this slut dead" Tessa said dropping me over the edge.
I felt a peace, if I die no more boys, no more problems and absolutely no more hurting. Just me myself and my depressing life. I felt me head hit something soft like hitting a pillow. I opened my eyes to see I was lying on an air bag. I saw Hunter lying in the ambulance. I tired to get up and hug him but stopped in pain.
Medics came running over to me and laid me on a stretcher before moving me into the ambulance Hunter was in.
Hunter grabbed and squeezed my hand slightly. His eyes were really red and puffy. "Princess you nearly died today and you said you would be okay. I need to be with you okay I need to keep you safe. I don't want to say goodbye. Please just stay with me princess. I love you! Hunter said kissing me on the cheek.

"I love you too" I said smiling.

-Authors note-
Soooo I hope you liked this chapter!! Let me know what you think.

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