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• Addison •

I drove home in a quiet tone. I pulled into the driveway and pulled out my phone and the sticky note. I began to text very rapidly to the number written on the sticky note, saying everything... every detail... my feelings... my thoughts... i needed to tell someone.

I sat my phone down in my lap once I sent my message to her. I looked outside of my car window and slowly got out of the car.

I reached the door and right before I opened it I heard police sirens. "Damn.. what happened now?" I mumbled opening the door. I walked into the house and went upstairs to put my stuff in my room. Right when I sat down at my desk I heard these loud knocks at the door. They kept knocking repeatedly, and wouldn't stop. I opened the door and there stood 5 police officers, I gulped.

"Are you Addison Mavis?" The women asked. I opened the door wider for them to walk in.

"Y-Yes ma'am" I stuttered. They all watched my every move, they didn't take their eyes off of me once.

"Where's Mr. Mavis?" One of the men asked.

"As of right now I d-don't know, he's usually h-home by n-now" I stuttered.

I'm scared, no I'm terrified. If he ever gets out of wherever they take him... he's gonna come back and find me.

"Please calm down Ms. Mavins, we just want to find him first and then work on from there" The lady said coming over to me patting my back.

"I-I'm gonna go to my best friends h-house" I managed to say and walked out of the front door ignoring what they were to saying to me. I started walking down the street to her house, it wasn't that far.

I walked up the street looking around at our neighborhood, all of these family's look so happy. I seen 2 little boys playing out in the middle of their yard. They were laughing up at storm and seemed so happy.

I walked up to her front door and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" I heard her mother's voice. "A-Addison" I stuttered and she opened the door. She looked at me and had a concerned look on her face.

"Sweetheart are you okay?" she asked and I hugged her. I let my tears fall, I couldn't stop crying. She brung me in to the house as I held onto her still crying.

"Ma- Addison!" Amari yelled running over to me. She lead me into her arms and held me tight. " Is it what I think it is?" She asked rubbing my back.

I didn't answer, she knew from me being so silent that it was what she thought. "May I know what's going on?" Ms. Parsons asked. Amari looked at me and I shook my head giving her permission to tell her mother. Ms. Parsons was the only other adult I could really trust.

I pulled myself out of Amari's hold and went up to her room. I walked into her bathroom stripping from out of my clothes. I turned on the bath water and put some of Amari's scented bubbles in the water. I needed something to clear my mind. I got into the tub and laid back. I'm not even suppose to get my hair wet, but right now... who really cares anymore.

• Nicholas •

Alani was laid back on my bed taking deep breaths. I walked out from my bathroom and she giggled. "I wanna do this again tomorrow Nahmir" she said and I chuckled. "Yeah, if i'm not busy that's cool" I said and she got up putting her clothes back on.

Once she was like halfway down the street my ma comes in the house pissed. "Nicholas what did I tell you about bringing these little fast ass girls in my house?!" She yelled and I didn't respond.

"I'm sitting here trying to get money so we can have a fucking roof over our heads and your sitting around have sex with every lil bitch in your school!" she yelled again.

"Then you be in your damn feelings because I don't be home much, fuck that shit Nicholas." She mumbled loud enough for me to hear. I just went back up to my room and turned on my game. I turned my mic on and joined a party with Jay.

"You good g?" Jay asked and I didn't respond. "Aye, Nick bro" Cordae said and I took a deep breath.

"Wassup?" I said fixing my whole attitude and tone. "Bro let's play GTA" Glizzy said like a little kid causing us all to laugh.

• Later On •

I went downstairs and my ma was on the couch looking at the tv. "Ma..." I said in a low tone but loud enough for her to hear.

"What Nicholas?" She said. She was still pissed at me, her tone explained it all.

That's something about my family, our tone gives away our whole mood. My father wasn't much like that, my mother ran him off. He tried his hardest to stay, he wanted to stay, but she ran him off with the way she acts and talks to people. Sometimes she said stuff, she even said that she was cheating on him.... but he still stayed. When I was younger I wanted to be like them, but now I don't. That's why I fuck around with everybody, I don't catch feelings. Never have, never will. But something in me... I don't I can't explain it but Addison... she's so...

"Nicholas what the hell do you want?" My mother yelled at me snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What's for dinner?" I gulped. She turned around and looked at me while still sitting on the couch.

"I outta smack he shit out of you boy" she yelled and turned around looking back at the tv. I took a deep breath and went into the kitchen. I opened a cabinet and grabbed the bag of Doritos.

"We got food headass" I mumbled. I felt a hard slap go across my face. I slung my head down and held everything in me back to not show her she hurt me. I looked up and continued to walk to my room, I pushed my dreads out of my face and kept a straight face.

And this is where I relate with her, this is where I regret hurting her, this is where I just wanna talk to her and become closer.

Shit, I don't catch feelings.

She's so beautiful, she's been through some shit just like me... Why can't I just try and get along with her instead of constantly making her pain worse.

Because you have feelings for her dumbass.

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