Chapter 6

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Mary's POV:

"Mary, dear are you fine?" The nurse said wiping my tears and cleaning the sweat all over my face. What was going on?

"Yeah, uh um I kinda am, what's going on?" I asked the nurse confused.

"Oh, I think you had a very bad dream, and well you were screaming so yeah here you are sweetie." She said with a smile. Well I don't remember anything but I guess it was a very bad dream.

"Oh, um... Can I have water please? my throat is very dry." I barely could talk, my throat was dry than ever.

"Of course you can honey." She said bringing my bed up and handing me the water. She was a very nice nurse and well I think she was new and pretty young.

"Thanks" I smiled. "Are you new here? I haven't seen before."

"Yes, I kinda am new to this section, I got sent from kids section, You can call me nurse Silvy. I'm gonna be right across the hall, call me when you need me."

"Oh, ok thanks Silvy." And she left. With the door closing my thoughts went back to that family who let me have the surgery. How kind were they. I have so many questions unanswered in my mind. Like who was that guy yelling and insulting the other day? Who was he? Who is the girl that he hated that much? Oh god I'll explode if I don't get the answers. Maybe I should ask a nurse or something? But first I've to thank that family. I decided to call the nurse, so I pressed the thing above me.

"Yes honey? You need something?" Familiar nurse asked.

"Oh, um no. I was just wondering if I could walk maybe?" I was quit nervous.

"Of course you can baby, I'll help you with it." Well when she said this I got very happy, cause I was dying in bed with no movement 1 week in CCU, and 4 days since I was held to a private room. I was literally dying.

"Thank you so much Silvy, your so kind." I said with a smile finally walking. "Wow I think I would forget how to walk." I laughed.

"Maybe" Silvy laughed too. Soon we left the room, Oh god I thought I would stay there forever.

"Are you better Mary? Anything wrong? pain?" Familiar face that was Dr.Woo asked while I was passing the nurse stop.

"I'm very good Dr. And I have nothing like pain. Thank you so much, I was just gonna go for a walk." I said smiling.

"That's good, you need fresh air."


Rest of the walk passed with silence, and I was just enjoying the weather and the beautiful green yard. I love green stuff.


"Yes honey?"

"I had some questions.. uh um about that family who let me have the surgery?" I questioned.

"Oh um, I don't know very much about them, I just know she was an old lady who lived with her grandchild. And don't ask about the guy, he's a mess."

"A mess? why?" We both burst into laughter.

"Yeah, he is very hot headed and rude, I don't dare to get near him."

"Oh well, I was just thinking to thank him maybe?"

"Awe that's so nice of you, but good luck talking with that guy." She laughed again. "I think it's that guy standing by that black car." She pointed to a very tall, blonde guy who was wearing a leather black jacket, boots, and black pants.

"Well, he looks rich..." We both burst into laughter again. "I think I'll talk with him."

"I can just wish you luck Mary. I'll stand here."

"Thanks Silvy, I try not to make him mad." I walked towards the guy, well good luck with that Mary, I repeated that to myself over again.

Long time since I didn't update. But imma update soon xx hope you enjoy

Mary ❤️😘

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