Chapter 7

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", can I talk to you for a second?" I asked him, I was kinda freaking out to be honest.

"Can I help you?" He said with a smile, and uh it calmed me down.

", you're Mr.Clifford am I right?"

"Yeah, well who are you?" He said. He didn't look much older, but gosh his voice... I have nothing to say about it.

"Well I'm Mary Claire.." When I said this I could see he was getting angry, I just put my head down and continued. "And uh..I was gonna kinda thank you, for um letting me-"

"Oh so you're that lil piece of shit that my grandma had to loose her life on aha? Lemme clear this up to you, what the heck do you want now? She's gone cause of your stupid goddamn surgery that I wish you died, and now you're here to thank me?" What?? She's gone?!!


"Oh don't act all innocent k? she died cause of you ok?! Now get lost forever and never come near me lil whore." I could feel my blood boiling, no one can ever dare to talk like that with me, I couldn't help and let someone call me that.

"What makes you think you can talk like that with me and call me words? and you know better than anyone that it's not my fault, I never insisted on anything and stop blaming it on everyone when you have no mental good reason for it!" I said turning my back.

"Wait you lil Miss. I don't want to blame it on anyone cause I perfectly know it's your fault. Now get lost and never come around me cause next time be sure I won't react calm like this." He said halfway laughing. Who the hell is this guy? Whatever. I made my way back to Silvy. Ugh I wanted to cry, like ah!! Whenever someone talks like that with me I remember worst memory of my life.

"Are you okay Mary? what happened? what did he say?" Silvy asked and I just shook my head.

"Nothing Silvy, I just wanna go to my room and uh sleep and forget it."

"Okay anything you wish." She said with a smile. This smile comforted me.


I couldn't stop thinking of what happened like an hour ago. But I'm just glad I answered him in the best way possible. But the thing that hurts me was remembering those days with Ryan. He was exactly like this, same height and same smile. Me and Ryan were first off BFF's since he was new to my school in 6th grade, but later on uh last year he found a way to ask me out.

*Flashback to 1 year ago*

Bell rang and it was lunch time, I had to meet Melody and Kris in cafeteria. But first I made a stop by my locker placing my books.

"Hey." A familiar tall curly headed guy standing beside me said.

"Hey Ryan. I missed you, long time no hang out eh?"

"Yeah, I really missed you too and erm I just dunno how to say sorry about that thing happened."

"You mean um the fight?" I had totally actually forgot

about our fight a week ago, he called me anything he wanted to but I stood quiet cause I had nothing to say, though it was his fault, I don't know maybe he was drunk. "It's erm fine I guess."

"See I need to explain it to you I think, would you mind going on a friendly date with me tonight?" I got butterflies in my stomach, I really did love him all the time.

"Uh of course, text me the address later I have to go." And I left to cafeteria.

"Oh my goodness I can't believe he actually is taking you on a date oh my god." Kris said freaking out.

"Freaking calm the hell down not a big deal."

"Have you lost your memory or something? You freaking love him, I mean who doesn't? he's like the hottest guy in this school god you're so lucky." Melody freaking out from the other side.


School finally ended and I went home, quickly getting ready. I was so exited. I got a text from Ryan.

'Im gonna pick you up myself love xx'

He is sweet, very sweet when it comes to this stuff, but if he gets mad, no one dares to talk to him. I finally picked the things I was gonna wear. A navy blue jeans and my gray T-shirt saying 'True love story never ends' on it. When I got changed I quickly made my way to bathroom and applied some mascara and a light pink lipgloss on. Tada thats my type. I finally got ready and stepped out, once more looking in the mirror checking my hair which was in loose curls around my neck. perfect.

"Mum, I'm going!"

"Ok honey, have fun, be home soon baby." She said from the kitchen. I went out waiting for Ryan to come. Wind blowing my curly long hair. It was such a nice weather. Finally after waiting for about 5 minutes familiar white Audio stopped, I quickly jumped in.

"You look beautiful baby." He said kissing my cheek.

"Thanks." I smiled back. The rest of the driveway went silent until we stopped by an Italian restaurant, I loved Italian restaurants and that was just so sweet.

"Mind to hold hands?" He asked while we walked into the restaurant hand to hand. When we took a seat the waiter came.

"Can I get order of your drinks?" A tall brown eye guy asked.

"I will get water, thanks." I said.

"And I will get uh water too I think." Ryan said. And the waiter left.

"Soooo... what do you think?" Ryan asked nervously.

"It's going pretty good, I love Italian restaurants and all." I smiled to comfort him a bit. After we ordered our food he finally spoke.

"So uh I actually don't know where to start from. But let me get you clear with something, I uh.. Didn't mean anything that day saying I hate you.. I actually don't hate you at all, and uh visa versa... And about that day I'm so sorry.. I was kinda drunk uh.. I didn't uh I never wanted to hurt you or insult you..." He said looking down.

"Um Ryan, it's okay.. I- I understand and it's totally fine, but if only you repeat it again I won't stay quiet like before. Now lets enjoy eating food and forget it."

"I love you Mary."

*end of flashback*

Sry if there is any misspelling or something.. I didn't reread xx -Mary




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