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Extended Description

After a long year, all Sydney wanted to do was relax and have fun during her last summer in her hometown. She wanted to spend as much time as possible away from her parents and to figure out who she really is. Her parents had other plans, though. A trip to Sydney's grandmother for the whole summer before they leave. Devastated, Sydney travels to her grandmother's house on the lake, and her life takes a turn for the better. Lies, deception, love and passion are experienced during her time there, causing her to find out who she really is and who she wants to become.


Author's Note

I hope you all like this story, It's an idea I've been working on for a while and want to continue improving upon. I didn't intend to write one of those cliche teen romances, but it might have just become that. Some of the issues discussed in the story are delicate, and some readers may find it hard to continue with. I do not have prior experience with any of these issues, but I have done extensive research in order to try to make it as accurate as possible. I apologize for any discomfort this causes. I'm kind of excited about this story because it is my only completed one on Wattpad. Please leave a like if you enjoyed it and a comment with support or ideas on how to make it better.

Happy reading!



Copyright © 2010 by sixwhitewhiskers

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,  distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including  photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,  without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the  case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other  noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.




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