Part 6 - zenith

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(A/N - So I've decided to start putting the meaning for the words I use as titles so you can understand them :) also thank you so much for almost 500 reads love you hoes x ❤️❤️)

Zenith (noun) -
The highest point, culminating point


"Where do you think you're going sweetheart?" An oh so familiar voice whispered into my ear and I squeezed my eyes shut, "ummm...b-bed" fuck I stuttered he's gonna think I'm nervous, "oh so miss bold is getting nervous" he whispered once again shit shit shit, "let me go yoongi, or you'll regret it" I whispered to him, "oh really baby girl? Make me regret it then" he whispered.

Fuck it.

I shoved him away then took his wrists and pinned him to the wall, "dont fucking try me or you'll see a side to me you really don't want to meet" I whispered in his ear then dragged a finger down his chest then walked away leaving him in a state of total shock. That's what I thought hoe. I guess we'll have to release myself soon. Finally.

Yoongi POV

She. Just. Pinned. Me. Against. The. Wall. How?? What? I'm so confused. What did she mean by a side she doesn't want me to see? Hmmm...I guess we'll find out. I smirked to myself and made my way to my room to sleep because I was tired as fuck.

*time skip brought to you by yoongi dabbing*


I woke up and got dressed

I guess it's time to transform into my old self

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I guess it's time to transform into my old self. I always liked her and time to go get my hair dyed back.

I walked out into the kitchen to where all the boys were sitting talking and as soon as they seen me they stared with their eyes almost popping out of their heads. I rolled my eyes and said, "take a picture, it'll last longer" then grabbed an Apple then made my way to the door.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi asked while eyeing me up and down, "out. You don't need to know my every move, you aren't my eomma" I said in a cold tone then left the apartment. I forgot I'm still in am I gonna get down these fucking stairs?!?! Oh well I'll do it, it's not like I haven't had to do this before.

It took me 10 minutes but I was finally at the bottom of the stairs. Thank god. I made my way out to the mall.

When I got there I went shopping for more clothes then to the salon. I walked into the salon and to the front desk, "Lisa it's me" I said to my long time friend, "Omo y/n you scared me! What are you doing he- never mind. Going back to your old ways?" She asked eyeing my outfit, "yeah I met a group of douchy guys who think they can boss me around. I need to put them in their place" I explained to her, "ah I see so, the usual?" She asked, "you know it girl"

*time skip*

"And... look!" Lisa shouted and turned my chair towards the mirror, "ah yes just like the old days!" I said

"Once again, a good job done Lisa!" I said gratefully and gave her a hug, "no problem girl! Now go teach them boys who's boss!" She exclaimed and pushed me out of the salon

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"Once again, a good job done Lisa!" I said gratefully and gave her a hug, "no problem girl! Now go teach them boys who's boss!" She exclaimed and pushed me out of the salon.

Once I reached the apartment after struggling up the stairs for 10 minutes, I opened the door to the apartment completely trashed. "WHO THE FUCK MADE THIS MESS" I screamed and all the boys came running in and started gaping at my hair, "wow y/n. You look even more beautiful with blue hair. Where have I seen you before?" Jungkook asked in awe, "you've seen me in your dreams babe" I said and winked as jungkooks cheeks began to turn crimson. I then went to my room and look in the mirror. Wow I really love my hair but I'm starving.

I opened my door and went to the kitchen just to get stared again at by the boys but I couldn't help but notice jungkook blushing at my presence, cute. "Who wants something to eat?" I asked and everyone started shouting yes, "pizza it is then" I said and ordered everyone pizza.

I sat down on the couch and yoongi came and sat down beside me, "is this it?" He asked, "the side to you I don't want to see?" I laughed, "oh baby boy, you ain't seen nothing yet"

To Be Continued...

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