Chapter 19

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"You really didn't need to drive me, but thanks anyway," you said, staring out the window at the house in front of you.

Waking up to a text from Jungkook was always welcomed in your books. However, rather than something sweet like a good morning, you were faced with one sentence that had left you in a cold sweat since you read it.

The guys want you to come over today.

It's not like you weren't expecting this, naturally, they'd want to see you eventually. And for most people, a week after getting back with your boyfriend was probably plenty of enough time. Although you would generally agree, now, being in the position, you felt like a week was too short. It's not like the others would shun you once you entered the house, you were just worried that it'll be awkward.

"It's really not that big of a deal, I was going out anyways," your mother replied.

When you had gone downstairs to tell your parents where you were headed, your mom had practically flown out of her chair as she offered to drive you to Jungkook's. Despite the fact she kept saying it was because she needed to go shopping, you felt like there was an ulterior motive. That maybe she was lying about needing to go out. She hadn't said anything out of the ordinary, though, and you were beginning to wonder if you were just being paranoid.

"You don't need to worry about picking me up. I'll either catch a bus home or Jungkook will shove me into his car and take me back," you said, placing a hand on the door handle, ready to exit the vehicle.

"Did...has Jungkook said anything about me recently?" your mother asked suddenly. Ah, here it was. The real reason behind her driving you.

"No, why?" you replied, turning to look at her.

"Well, remember when he came over a few days ago? We actually had the chance to talk alone and chat about what happened between you two while you out of the room," she said.

"Please don't tell me you threatened him again," you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration.

"No, nothing like that. I apologized to him for having to experience the pain of betrayal by someone he loved. I can't imagine how he felt, but I'm certain it was anything but rainbows and sunshine. He mentioned how he had been feeling at the time and his perspective of what happened. Then we talked about how he feels about you, and yeah. Basically a harmless conversation," your mom explained.

"And? Has your opinion of him changed drastically once realizing how amazing he is?" you asked with a teasing smirk.

Your mother pursed her lips and avoided eye contact, instead choosing to look out the window.

"Wait, did it actually?" you questioned in excitement.

"I wouldn't say drastically," she began hesitantly. "All I can say is I don't think I'll have a hard time accepting him anymore."

There was no hiding the grin that spread across your face at her words. Then you furrowed your brows and stared out the window in confusion.

"What the hell did he say?" you mumbled under your breath. But it seemed your mother heard you anyways.

"I think it was just the way he spoke so highly of you and how much love he holds for you. He had his heart broken by you—unintentionally, of course—yet he was still able to forgive you and love you again. Some people would've walked away from the relationship the moment they saw their partner in your situation. He didn't—in fact, he had hope. He believed that there was something he was missing, something he didn't know of that caused you to be in that position. I truly respect him and...I can't help but feel glad you met someone like him."

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