Chapter 7

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You were living life as a couch potato when incessant knocking at the door forced you to leave your comfortable spot on the sofa.

Assuming it was Erika, since she was the only person you knew that knocked this repetitively, you didn't bother to check your appearance before opening the door. The person behind it was definitely not who you were expecting.

"K-Kookie?" you sputtered out when seeing the brunette standing there instead of your dark-skinned friend. "What a-are you doing here?"

"Wow, you look rough. Did you just go through a breakup or something?" Jungkook teased with an amused look in his eyes.

"Yes, with my couch. You made me leave it," you replied.

"I apologize."

"I actually woke up this morning and went straight to the couch without cleaning myself up. That's probably why I look like I've just crawled out of hell," you admitted, leaning against the doorframe.

"Are you gonna stay looking like that the whole day, or are you gonna get changed and come with me?" Jungkook asked.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see if you come," Jungkook said with a smirk.

"Hold on. I'll be done in, like, ten minutes."


"Ten minutes my ass. You said that twenty minutes ago," you scowled.

"(Y/n), I don't know if you know this...but I can't control traffic!" Jungkook replied, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Under normal circumstances, that's how long it usually takes to get there."

"And you promise that this place is worth it?" you asked.

"Believe me, you'll be thanking me later," Jungkook said confidently.

You felt your phone go off in your pocket and you slipped it out to see who was texting you. You had texted your mom about fifteen minutes ago telling her you were going out, that way if she came home and you were still gone she wouldn't call the cops.

Who are you going with?

You were dreading this. You had purposely left out Jungkook, praying that for once maybe your mom would just assume you were with Erika after how many times you've gone out with her. However, it seems that your mom never changes. Reluctantly, you typed in a name.


You waited with bated breath, hoping she wouldn't make a big deal about it. She read it but didn't reply immediately. After about a minute, the three dots showed up; she was finally responding.

I want you home before 5. No negotiations

You heaved out a sigh, knowing your mother wasn't very happy with you.


You left the conversation and opened one with your father, texting him that you were out too. Part of the reason was because your parents had asked you before to text both of them when you were going out. The primary reason, however, was because you were hoping your father might be able to convince your mom to be easier on you. That is, if they actually talk together about you going out with Jungkook.

Did you tell your mother?

You were a little surprised that your mom hadn't texted him already that you were going out. Maybe she was doing it this very second.

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