Chapter Three

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The rest of the day was a blur of photos, shops, and food. I tried to enjoy myself but I couldn't help but think about Cam, and what he wanted. As everyone else had the time of their lives, my mind wandered and didn't pay attention to anything that was happening. In no time at all we were finishing up our tour of the Rockefeller Center and boarding the bus to Central Park. By the time we arrived, it was 6:55 and the two boys Marianne had described weren't there. We waited 5 minutes and Cam and Nash arrived right on the dot.

Cam was gorgeous. He had brown hair styled perfectly, beautiful brown eyes, and a smile that could light up the world. I couldn't believe someone like him would be interested in me.

Before I could say anything, Kayla was running up to Cam and Nash, giving them huge hugs, taking selfies with them, and screaming in their ears. Nash tried to keep her at bay while Cam walked towards me.

"I was wondering if I'd ever see you again," he told me.

"I was wondering if I'd ever meet my stalker," I said. I knew it was rude but I couldn't help myself. My comment didn't seem to phase him.

"My name is Cameron. Cameron Dallas, but everyone calls me Cam."

"Nice to meet you, Cam, my name's Christina," I replied.

"Christina, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on, would you care to join me at my friend Carter's party later tonight?"

I decided that this party would be a great way to get to know more about Cam, and since it was my last night here, I wanted to make it special. I agreed. Next to me I saw Nash and Marianne talking and giggling, I was happy for her. Kayla was standing with Gianna, Justina, and Mackenzie, giving Marianne and I an evil glare as she watched us talk to the guys.

Justina tapped her foot on the ground impatiently and finally asked, "Are we gonna just stand here all night? The party's at 9 so if the guys want to join us until then, they can, anything to get out of here, we're wasting time," she walked off in the other direction and we all followed with Cam and Nash in tow.

"Have y'all had a good day in New York?" Nash asked us.

"You bet! We toured the city and had a blast, but the best part was running into you," Marianne said. When she flirted she didn't do it subtly, it was all or nothing with her.

"I could say the same about you," Nash replied, and Marianne giggled.

"What are you guys doing here?" Gianna asked.

"We--" Cam began.

"They're in the city for DigiFest! I was going to get tickets but it was all sold out, and then we made plans to come here for the trip so my hopes of meeting them went down the drain," Kayla interrupted.

"Digi what?" Mackenzie asked.

"DigiFest. It's an event that famous viners and youtubers go to. They do meet and greets and entertain the crowd," Kayla explained.

"Yeah, we're here with Matt, Shawn, Carter, and my little brother Hayes," Nash said.

"Carter's the one hosting the party tonight, right?" I asked Cam.

"Yeah, you'll love him, he's hilarious," Cam said.

We continued to walk around and decided to go back to Central Park to relax until the party, which started in an hour. Cam and I separated from the group and sat down on a bench. He told me all about his family, his fans, his hopes and dreams, and I knew, in that moment, that I was falling for an amazing guy.


That was chapter three guys hope you liked it, I know it was kind of short but please tell me what you think in the comments and VOTE IF YOU LIKED IT! :)

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