Chapter Twelve

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After half an hour of walking, we reached a run down, old building with grimy window frames, a door falling off the hinges, and a bad stench coming from inside.

"This is your spectacular surprise?" Kayla asked Cam.

"Yeah, I know what y'all are thinking but it's not the inside I wanted to show you all, it's the top."

He lead us through the dingy old building that was falling apart at the seams. We reached a set of stairs that led all the way to the roof, 30 storeys high. We took 15 minutes to climb the stairs and had to endure complaints from Mackenzie the whole way up about how her stilettos were killing her feet, and her hair was matted with sweat, and how much longer were we gonna have to climb? Finally, after what felt more like hours, we reached the roof of the building. The view was beautiful, you could see Times Square, lit up in an hour without much light. You could see all of the stars, out tonight as if they all wanted to watch us to enjoy every bit of our lives. And as I looked around, the view on the roof was incredible too. All of my friends had one of the guys's arms around them and each couple stood staggered, watching the city. We had started this trip as 6 girls looking for the time of our lives on a weekend getaway to New York City, and here we were, at 3 AM, standing on a rooftop of a broken down old building, in the arms of 6 amazing guys. How we were so lucky, I don't know. All of us took a seat on the roof and watched the civilization down below. I put my head on Cam's shoulder and snuggled close to him the way the rest of my friends had done with their boyfriends. I looked up at Cam watching the streets. His eyes were ablaze with a sort of awe, he really appreciated life's little moments like this. Cam was a complete goofball at times, but when it came down to it, he was very sentimental about little things that happened.

Cam looked at me, realizing I was watching him.

"Looks like I found a better view than the city," he said smiling down at me.

"Are you happy?" I asked him.

"Christina, if I wasn't happy right now, I'd have to be the most miserable guy on this earth."

He lowered his head and put his lips to mine, kissing Cam never got tiring, it was a rush of adrenaline every time and I never wanted it to end. We sat there, with our lips locked, for quite a while, until Nash ruined the moment.

"Cam, love ya bud but, get a room!"

We both laughed at Nash and continued to stare down at the lights and buildings. Suddenly, a shooting star passed by.

"Everyone, make a wish right now!" Mackenzie ordered. I knew she'd wish to get closer to Shawn. I thought about my wish and then silently whispered it to myself.

"What did you wish for?" Cam asked.

"If I tell you it won't come true. What did you wish for?"

"If I tell you it won't come true," he said laughing, "I wished for all depression and suicide to go away, to just stop. I try so hard to encourage people to never give up in my vines, but I can't fix everyone just from a 6 second message on a screen."

"You really are the sweetest guy I've ever met."

At around 4 AM, all of us were still sitting on the roof in silence, holding each other and letting silent words pass between us.

"I hate to say it guys but I think we should call it a night to get some rest for our flight later today," Justina said.

"I'm gonna have to agree with Justina on this one," Gianna said.

"Alright but at least let us escort you to your hotel," Shawn said.

"Okay, thank you guys, it's amazing that we met you," Kayla said.

We walked back to our hotel and I guess my friends and I all had the same intentions and wanted to make sure it all worked out.

"Nash, do you mind if I stay in your hotel room tonight?" Marianne asked.

"If Cam's okay with it," Nash said winking at her.

"Yeah that's cool, I mean I'm gonna sleep on the floor then so keep that in mind when your clothes are all off and you start making noises and shit 'cause I really don't wanna hear it."

"Don't worry we'll be quiet," Nash said, "If Marianne's okay with it that is."

"Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see," she said grinning from ear to ear.

I knew part of the reason Marianne had asked to stay at Nash's was to give me a chance with Cam, but it didn't look like that was gonna happen.

Kayla and Gianna arranged to stay with their boyfriends as well. I knew Gianna and Carter had already done it at the party, but their night was clearly far from over. Mackenzie looked longingly at Shawn, who had his arm around her and held her close to him. I knew Justina and Hayes weren't going to do anything since Hayes was only 14 but eventually Justina would get her chance. If she really cared about Hayes, this wouldn't matter. We finally reached the hotel after saying bye to Marianne, Gianna, Kayla, Nash, Carter, and Matt. I knew we'd see the 6 of them later in the day, we'd arranged to meet back here before heading to the airport. The remaining six of us went up the elevator to our rooms, each couple stood outside the door way, Mackenzie, Justina, and I anticipating what would happen. Hayes was first to say something after minutes of us staring at each other affectionately.

"I really like you Justina, I've never been so happy before in my life, you know I'm only 14 though so, I guess this is goodnight." They kissed like it was their last chance at surviving a deadly disease and we looked the other way to give them some privacy. When they finally finished, Hayes left and Justina went inside with a big smile on her face regardless of whether or not Hayes was staying the night. Shawn was next.

"I think I'm falling for you Mackenzie," he pulled her in close and they stood there for minutes, embracing each other and breathing in each other's scent. They looked like they never wanted to pull away, "I'll be here later with everyone else to go to the airport."

As he started to turn around, Mackenzie yelled out, "Shawn, wait!"

He spun around and pressed her against the wall. She jumped on him and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist, kissing him fiercely and cupping his face in her hands while he supported the small of her back to keep her from falling and kissed back with just as much longing. He clumsily opened the door and the last we saw of them before the door shut was Shawn gently laying her on the bed.

"So, I guess I'll see you later?" I asked.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily," he said.

I kissed him and opened the door to the room.

Before the door was even shut we were making out, his lips on mine was the only thing I could focus on in that moment. He laid me down on the bed and I pulled him on top of me. Slowly, each article of clothing came off until it was just skin on skin. I knew I loved Cam, I loved him so much. His body fit perfectly to mine as if we were made for each other, and our hearts beat to the same rhythm.

When it was all over, our legs were intertwined under the sheets and I stared into Cam's eyes. He really was gorgeous, with his messy hair, brown eyes, big goofy smile, and his kind heart. I kissed him lightly again.

"I can't wait to spend every minute together next weekend," he said, touching his lips to my forehead. His fingers slowly traced every curve of my body and I felt sparks in every place his fingers touched.

"Neither can I."

I turned around with my back to his chest and he put his arms around me, spooning me and holding me close. I fell asleep in his arms, with his soft breath on my back, making my neck hairs stand up in anticipation, and whispered, "I love you Cam," so faintly I could barely hear it myself.


So I wanted to get the point across as clearly as possible but I made sure I wasn't very descriptive as I'm still young myself ;) Please vote, comment and follow if you liked chapter 12 and make sure to vote for chapter 11 cuz not many people voted for that one! Ty :)

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