Chapter Six

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Shawn and Mackenzie had started talking when his set was done. They were laughing and giggling and Mackenzie looked like the happiest girl in the world. All of a sudden the room went quiet and a loud scream pierced the air. Reese -who I hadn't realized was still here- stomped onto the stage and grabbed the microphone.

"This skank Justina stole my boyfriend! She's not worth it Hayes! I'm better! How could you cheat on me Hayes!? We are SOULMATES! I can't believe you! AHHHHHHHHHH! If I can't get what I want, NOBODY WILL! I'm calling the cops right now! This party is OVER!" She took out her phone and dialled 9-1-1 before anyone could stop her. Matt came out of the kitchen with Kayla following him like a lost puppy. Hayes was consoling a crying Justina in the corner, telling her he would never leave her and making her feel alright. Nash was standing with Marianne, they were staring in shock at Reese as she reported the party to the cops. Mackenzie and Shawn had stopped their conversation and were trying to convince Reese to hang up the phone. Even Carter and Gianna had stopped making out long enough to watch what was going down.

Gianna walked over to me and whispered, "Who the hell is this psycho?"

"Hayes's ex," I replied.

I turned to Cam who put his arm around me and told me everything would be okay. I was so glad I had found him. He comforted me in a way no one else ever could and I was grateful to be his.

"Don't worry Christina, she's not gonna do anything, Shawn's fixing it," Mackenzie said as she let Shawn continue his pleading to hang up the phone.

"Mackenzie, she's on the phone with the cops as we speak, we're screwed! There's nothing we can do," I said.

Matt walked up to me. I still hadn't met him. "So this is the last of the Spectacular Six," he said, "You're the only one I haven't met, Christina, right?"

"Yeah, and you're Matt." He smiled. I pulled him aside so Kayla couldn't hear us.

"Is Kayla bothering you? Because if she is I just want you to know that it's done out of love. You're her idol, and I think once she gets past the fact that you're no longer just a guy on a screen, you'll really like her. Please give her a chance, it would mean the world to her. Just have a conversation with her and see how it goes," I said.

"Okay. But only because you're Cam's girlfriend, and he's one of my best friends," Matt said.

"Thanks, it means a lot," I told him.

Matt walked back to Kayla and started talking to her. She seemed to realize he was really trying to get to know her and calmed down a little.

Reese finally hung up and stomped down the steps that lead to the stage.

"They'll be here any minute, you're all screwed. Justina, you're a bitch, go to hell. Hayes, have some intelligence and dump that slut. I'll be waiting." She walked out the door, and left us all dumbfounded. How had things gone so horribly wrong?

Justina was sobbing into Hayes's shoulder, Kayla was finally getting through to Matt, Gianna was whispering to Carter, Mackenzie was sitting on the stage steps with her arm around Shawn, Marianne was standing with Nash by the window -watching for the cops that were supposedly coming- and I was hugging Cam, holding him close and feeling his warmth against my skin.

"I'm falling for you," I whispered to him.

"I already fell," he said back as he leaned in to kiss me.

Carter walked on stage and began to speak, "I'm really sorry to everyone that this party was cut short. I know it's only been 2 hours since the party started but due to unforeseen circumstances -thank you Hayes- I have to kick you all out before all of us get into some deep shit. I hope you all had a great night."

Everyone started to exit except for my friends, the guys, and I. My friends and I separated from the guys and started talking, something we hadn't done as a group all night.

"Matt asked me out! He's going to fly me out to Los Angeles for a date next weekend! I'm so excited," Kayla exclaimed. I was happy Matt had talked to her, it looked like things would work out for them.

"Carter's the best, he's so funny, I laugh so hard when I'm with him. He asked me to be his girlfriend before he kicked everyone out. I told him of course," Gianna said smiling.

"I really like Shawn, I think he likes me back, I guess we'll just have to wait and see," Mackenzie said.

"The night's still far from over," I assured her.

"Hayes is amazing. I feel like such an idiot for judging him so early on. He's nothing like what I said, he's so down to earth and he likes me for me. I'm actually really happy to have met him. We're officially dating," Justina announced.

"Nash is inviting me to stay at him and Cam's place next weekend, he said Cam would be out so we'd have the place to ourselves," Marianne said.

"We'll both be in L.A!" Kayla said.

Something Marianne had said triggered a question in my mind, "Where's Cam going to be next weekend? Did Nash say?" I asked.

"You're joking right?" She said back.

"What do you mean?" I asked, more confused than ever.

"You actually don't know yet do you? Well I'll let Cam tell you that, it's not my secret to share. CAM! Come here!" Marianne shouted.

Cam walked over timidly, "Did I do something?"

"No, no. I just thought you should tell Christina where you're going to be next weekend," Marianne said to him.

"Okay, here it goes. Christina, I remembered you had said that you loved reading, horror films, and that your dream was to visit Italy one day. I decided I needed to take you on a real first date because this party was crap -no offense Carter- so I planned a 5 day date. On Friday night I'm going to fly to San Francisco to pick you up. We're going to spend the night at my place watching horror movies. I'll hold you close, we'll cuddle, and I'll make sure you never forget the time we spend together. Don't worry, Marianne is coming Saturday, in case you were wondering. On Saturday, after you've slept over -with or without me, it's up to you- we'll be flying out to Italy for a 5 day trip because Friday night doesn't count as part of the 5 day date. We'll be going to Rome first to spend all of Saturday in the world famous bookstore, 'The Bookàbar Bookshop'. We'll read to each other, show each other our favourite books, and snuggle on a couch in the store. For three days we'll be touring Italy, eating at the best restaurants, and seeing all of the tourist attractions. On Wednesday, we'll fly you home, I'll tell you I might be in love with you, we'll kiss in the rain -the forecast calls for showers all day Wednesday, I checked- and hopefully, with any luck, you'll tell me you might love me back. A perfect date for the perfect girl."

I didn't know what to say. I had tears in my eyes. "No guy has ever done anything for me before, Cam, thank you so much!" I ran into his arms and kissed him. It was slow at first, and then it sped up, I didn't care who was watching, all I cared about was Cam, and us, and how nothing -not even the cops who had shown up at the door judging from the sound of sirens- could ruin this moment.



That was chapter 6 guys! I'm trying my best to incorporate all of the characters but it's hard so please don't judge. Vote, comment, and follow if you enjoyed it! Love you guys! :)

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