Chapter Four

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After a while I had put my head on Cam's shoulder. We did nothing else, just sat there calmly, watching the others talk, and whispering occasionally about how glad we were to have met each other. Cam had told me all about himself, how he was turning 20 in September, how he missed his sister Sierra and loved her to death, how he missed being around his mom. He didn't care that we were three years apart, all he cared about was that we were together, talking, getting to know each other for us. That was probably what I liked the most about him, he loved girls for their personality, their realness, not how they looked or dressed.

At around 8:55, Cam slowly got up with me right beside him and announced that it was time to go to the party.

"Carter's place is 2 minutes walking distance from here so we'll be there soon enough. The rest of the guys are probably already there," Nash said.

I noticed that he had his arm around Marianne and wondered if they were a couple. The 8 of us walked to Carter's, ready for the best night of our lives.

When we arrived at Carter's, a boy with brown hair and blue eyes opened the door. He looked about 14 and when Nash went to stand beside him, I knew immediately this was Hayes -Nash's brother.

"Who are these fine ladies?" Hayes asked as we walked through the door. The place was huge and elegant, and most of the guests were already inside dancing.

Cam introduced us, "This is Christina, Mackenzie, Gianna, Marianne, Kayla, and Justina."

Justina didn't look too impressed by Hayes and shouldered him on the way in.

"What was that about?" I asked her.

"He's 3 years younger, he's dressed like a hobo, and he acts like he's the king of the world," she replied.

"How you got that from one sentence, I have no idea," I said in return.

I turned to find Hayes right behind us, I hoped he hadn't heard what Justina had said. But since when had I ever been lucky?

"What did you just say about me? I'll have you know that I didn't know we were having guests so I didn't have a chance to get changed, number one. Number two, I didn't realize age was such a big deal to you, you haven't even gotten to know me. Number three, I do not think I'm the king of the world, so please don't judge me before you even get to know me. And lastly, you're obviously no peach yourself," and with that he walked away.

"You really need to watch your mouth Justina, one day it's gonna get you in trouble -oh wait, it just did," I said.

"Calm down, you know me, I call it like I see it," she replied.

"Well, maybe you could try thinking it like you see it," I said as I walked off to go find the other girls.

I toured the whole place and when I finally finished, I realized I hadn't even met the host. I found Gianna talking to a cute guy with black hair. His whole demeanour reminded me of Justin Bieber and I went to introduce myself, but before I could make it half way across the room, Gianna pushed the boy against the wall and they started making out in front of everybody. Someone yelled, "Get a room!" And they made their way upstairs without separating their lips the entire way up. I walked away laughing to myself and bumped right into Hayes.

"Sorry about Justina, she's kind of judgemental," I said to him.

"It's okay, can't be friends with everybody."

"Who was that guy Gianna went upstairs with?" It felt awkward to say they had made-out even though I was pretty sure he'd witnessed it as well.

"That just happened to be the host of this party, Carter Reynolds," he told me.

"Well, so glad I could meet him," I joked.

"I'm sure they'll be down late--" He cut off and stared at the door, "Oh no," he said.

"What's wrong?" I turned to see a girl who looked to be a year or two older than Hayes, walk through the door. She had long brown hair, green eyes, and strutted in like she owned the place. She wore a tight-fitted crop top and booty shorts, I knew she was bad news.

"That's my ex-girlfriend, Reese," Hayes said, "I dumped her last month because she was trying to control the way I lived my life, she didn't take it too well when I broke up with her, and I guess she figured out where I've been staying this weekend."

The girl -Reese- marched up to Hayes and kissed him fiercely on the lips while Hayes tried to push her off. When they finally came up for air, Hayes started telling her they weren't a couple anymore and I decided to give them some privacy.

I walked into the kitchen looking for Cam. I hadn't seen him since we'd arrived and I was really excited to spend some more time with him. My excitement quickly vanished as I and found him and another girl macking on the counter. I quickly ran out of the room and onto the steps and started to cry. I hadn't realized I'd felt so strongly towards him, I guess I just assumed he felt the same way in return, he had searched New York for me. After I had cried enough to fill a lake and I put my head in my hands, Mackenzie came up to me and sat down beside me.

"Oh my gosh Christina! What happened!?" She asked.

"I walked in on Cam and some chick macking in the kitchen," the words made my stomach hurt as I said them out loud.

Mackenzie brought me in for a hug, "Oh Christina, I'm so sorry, I saw the way you looked at him in Central Park, I can't believe he'd do this to you." We sat on the steps for several more minutes while Mackenzie comforted me. The rest of my friends -minus Gianna- found us a couple minutes later and I recounted the story to them through stifled sobs. They all held me on the steps until the last person I wanted to see walked up to us with a big ass grin on his face. He looked down at me and immediately his smile went away.

"What's wrong Christina?" Asked Cam.


That was chapter 4! please tell me what you think in the comments and always remember to vote if you liked it! :)

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