Chapter Nine

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"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Jack Gilinsky, but my best friend's name is Jack as well, so you can call me Gilinsky," he said.

"So, what are you doing here?" Matt asked.

"Well, in case you guys didn't know, I actually have a girlfriend!" Jack announced.

"Congrats man, that still doesn't explain why you're here," Carter said.

"My girlfriend lives here," Jack said. All 12 of us must have looked like we'd seen a ghost because Jack immediately started defending himself, "Why are you guys so horrified?" He looked behind him, "Oh, here she comes, you guys can meet her!"

I'm sure all of us expected exactly who I expected to come out of that door, but it wasn't Reese. This girl looked about a year older than Reese, with the same coloured hair and eyes.

"Hi, I'm Madison," she said. She was dressed like a slut and I already had a bad feeling about her. Her eyes rested on Hayes and Matt, who were staring at her like she was a murderer.

"Hey Matt, hey Hayes," she said as she planted a kiss on both of their cheeks, "I hope you're not jealous, but Gilinsky is just amazing," she started macking him right in front of us and then stopped. Now I knew where Reese had gotten it from.

"Okay, whatever. Is Reese home?" Justina asked.

"No, she said she was going to a party and never came home, oh well, now me and Jacky-poo have the place to ourselves," she blew a bubble from the gum she was chewing and winked at Gilinsky. He looked dazed and went back inside, it was like she was hypnotizing him or something.

"Well, have fun finding her. Oh, and Hayes, I was a better girlfriend than my sister, right?"

"Um, that's a tough one, I'd say you're both pretty horrible," he replied. He brought Justina in for a kiss, gave Madison a look, and the two of them walked into the jet to wait for us. We stood there for what felt like an eternity.

Finally, Madison broke the silence, "Well, I'd better get to Jack, don't wanna keep him waiting." She went up to Matt, kissed him firmly, grabbed his butt, and left.

"You dated her!?" Kayla shouted, "Gross."

Matt wiped his mouth and looked at Kayla, "My taste in girls wasn't as good back then," he said, and then suddenly, they were kissing. The 8 of us went back inside the jet to join Hayes and Justina, and to give Kayla and Matt their privacy. As everyone sat down, Mackenzie pulled me aside, looking a little upset.

"Christina, why did this happen? I'm so used to guys falling all over me, and today, all I've witnessed is the 5 of you meeting great guys, having the best kisses of your lives, and being happy. Shawn hasn't even asked me out on a date yet -if ever- and I feel so alone." She sighed.

"Don't worry Mackenzie, I think he just wants to take it slow, lets go sit down."

I sat down next to Cam in the window seat. I looked to my left, past Cam, and saw Mackenzie take the aisle seat next to Shawn. After several minutes of them talking, I noticed Mackenzie beginning to shiver, Shawn noticed too, and pulled her in his arms, warming her up, and tracing her body with his hands, I smiled.

Cam noticed me looking and said, "Don't worry, Shawn told me he really likes her and is just trying to see if they'd be good together, he's taking it slow, but he'll make his move." I laughed.

"You're the best, you know that?" I asked.

He laughed, "I like to think so." We kissed until Kayla and Matt boarded the jet, holding hands and laughing.

"Alright lovebirds, hurry up, we have to decide where to go next," Justina called out.

"Let's try my house," Hayes said.

"She never would've made it there in an hour, it would have to be near here," Marianne said.

"Yeah, plus it's 1 AM, we only have 1 hour to find her and get her to the station," Nash added.

"Let's fly back to New York and think, that's where the cop is anyway, and I don't think we're going to find her anywhere else," Cam said.

"Alright let's go," Carter said.

We made good time and arrived in New York City 20 minutes later. We landed in Carter's driveway and ran out of the jet. We didn't know where we were going but we needed a vehicle to fit 12 people. We found a vacated bus and hopped in.

"Where to?" Carter asked.

"Brooklyn," Hayes said, "Brooklyn Bridge."

"Why Brooklyn Bridge?" Gianna asked.

"Because I think Reese might've gotten a little too upset about this whole situation."

"What are you saying?" Shawn asked.

"I'm saying, I think Reese is going to jump."


That was chapter 9 guys! Please comment if you're enjoying the story so far, follow, and always remember VOTE VOTE VOTE! :)

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