[14] Clear The Path

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Demi's POV

When we got to the airport there was a sea of cameras and fans. Marissa saw this too and grabbed my hand.

"You can do it beautiful." She assured me. I tensed up and my breathing hitched.


"Calm down Demi" Marissa rubbed circles on my back and added to Max. "could you maybe go out first and clear a path for us?"

"Sure I'll try but I don't know how effective it will be though, theres so many of them and only one of me."

"Well observed" I managed to get out between breaths.

"Really Demi how can you still be this sarcastic right now?!"

I shrugged. Max poked his head back in the drivers side, "well thats the best its gonna get, you ready?"

"As I'll ever be" I replied and sliped my sunglasses on and pulled my jacket up over my face.

"I'll get your bags, just focus on getting inside. You too Marissa." He said nodding at her.

I mentally counted down before stepping out of the car into the onslaught of cameras and people grabbing at me. I stopped holding my jacket over my face and wrapped my arms around myself. I just did what Max said and focused on getting safely inside, I could apologise later.

Once inside we sat in the VIP room and and ate lunch. Well, I picked at my sandwich and pushed around my salad. Marissa seemed to notice because she was watching me extremely closley, although she didn't say anything, I figured its because she didn't want to bring it up infront of Max because he would tell my mum and that would totally open up a can of worms.

We waited in there for a half hour before our flight was called to board, I carried my pillow and Max pulled my case. When we got on the plane, I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture.

It's amazing what you can hide, just by putting on a smile.. I thought as I tweeted the picture.

'@ddlovato: LONDON HERE I COME!! :)'

I tuned aeroplane mode on and plugged in my headphones, smiled at Marissa who returned with a reassuring one, stared out the window and blocked out the world.



Aww Dems <3

love you all, i'll update soon.



Stay Beautiful 💕

- Lauren x

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