jung chanwoo - "so am i ✰

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chanwoo held his breath as he hid behind the pole. he had to remind himself that every second counts. this mission was dangerous and it was the only way to get you back into his arms once again. you were being held ransom and it was either chanwoo pay 1 million dollars or let you die.

or at least that's how he would like to imagine it in his head. the original story is so much more boring, you two broke up and basically he was observing you and your new boyfriend.

some people would call it stalking, but observing sounded way better. chanwoo just had to do this to convince himself he was over you for sure.

anyway back to where he was hiding, he was hiding behind a pole of popular perfume store that you often went to. he actually hated stepping foot in that place because the mixture of too many scents often gave him headaches.

you were near a table full of expensive soaps with fancy names. like bright green and lavender dreams, who came up with that? just name it lavender field or something like that, at least that's what chanwoo was thinking.

it was out of character for chanwoo to be so hung up on one person, usually after a break up he'd sulk for two months and then move on. but it had been four months since you two have broken up but he was still hung over you.

even jiwon had been teasing him relentlessly about it, 'i never thought you could fall so in love with someone'.

his attention began to fall back on you instead of his thoughts. the guy you intertwined with was about 5'5" and looked very elegant.

chanwoo scoffed as he looked beyond the pole, "she really broke up with me to go with a guy way shorter? well excuse me (y/n) but i think i am the PERFECT big spoon."

chanwoo continued to follow you around for the next few hours until he got tired. he sat down at the food court and sighed, "i followed them for three hours and i still haven't seen her new boyfriend's face."

chanwoo sighed and placed his forehead on the table, "maybe i should just give up and stop observing her. one day she's going to file a restraining order on me."

chanwoo stayed like that for a while. he soaked in the world's noise around him. nothing sounded real anymore; it just sounded like a huge blob of words. a huge blob of words that reminded him of when you mixed too many colors of paint together.

suddenly, when he heard a familiar voice his ears perked up but his head stayed on the table. 'jinhwan? and is that (y/n)?' he thought

jinhwan tapped chanwoo on the shoulder, "chanwoo? what are you doing here?"

chanwoo raised his head and looked at his hyung. only to see his hands connected with his ex girlfriend's. chanwoo's eyebrow twitched and he looked firmly at jinhwan, "oh nothing! just my boss gave me a day off and i decided to spend my time at the mall."

jinhwan has a questioning look on his face, but nodded anyway. "you didn't tell any of us at the house that you had a day off?"

chanwoo smiled smaller than before, "none of you were awake when i was getting ready to head over here."

chanwoo began to stand up and avoided eye contact with you, "well it was nice seeing you (y/n) and jinhwan, but i think it's time for me to go back home. i hope to see you again real soon."


jinhwan slammed the front door to enter the house. he let out a huge sigh he's been holding back since he was on his date with (y/n). jinhwan was on his way until he saw a figure mopping on the couch.

"chanwoo?" jinhwan whispered loudly

"leave me alone." chanwoo sulked as he shoved himself deeper into his blanket.

jinhwan walked closer to the couch he was on, "what are you doing in the living room? why is the tv on if you're not even watching it? and where are the others it already dinner time?"

chanwoo rolled his eyes, "well you sure have a lot of questions. the others went out to go get take out and they're bringing back the rest for us."

jinhwan nodded slowly and sat down on the arm rest of the leather couch chanwoo was sulking on. he turned his attention to chanwoo, "that still doesn't explain what you're doing in the living room."

chanwoo scowled, "don't play dumb. what kind of hyung are you if you date your friend's ex?"

jinhwan's eyes widened, "you know about that?"

chanwoo unraveled himself from the blanket and sat up on the couch. he glared at jinhwan, "it was so obvious. you were holding her hand while you were talking to me and she refused to make any eye contact with me whatsoever."

a suffocating atmosphere filled the room. neither boy dared to speak to one another and instead reflected on the words being said.

jinhwan was about to get up and leave but then chanwoo opened his mouth. chanwoo stopped himself and hid his face in his hands, "when wejs ou going to sell mj?"

"what?" jinhwan asked in a confused state.

chanwoo ripped his hands away from his face. he huffed and stated his previous sentence clearly, "when were you going to tell me?"

jinhwan's confused expression was replaced with one that of guilt, "honestly i was hoping i would never have to tell you. i was hoping that i could keep it a secret until it ended."

jinhwan played with his hands, "i hope you know that i'm in love with (y/n)."

chanwoo groaned, "well guess what? so am i."

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