koo junhoe - "tell me what to do"

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your patience running low as you tapped your foot harshly on the smooth brown tile floor. your thought scattered everywhere so scattered they could make an abstract painting. work was starting to get really stressful and you couldn't stress that more to junhoe. of course, he was stressed too but he hardly showed it so he could show that he was a good boyfriend.

devotion was a big part of a relationship and it was something that was wearing thin in yours. you and junhoe shared an apartment but hardly saw each other much these days. there haven't been dates in the past 3 months or any texts, and if there were any they were very brief.

you sat there thinking "we haven't ended it but it seems like it's already over." with just that thought tears started to fill your eyes and little by little they built up. you were on the borderline of crying, you wiped your eyes not wanting anything to spill out and show a sign of weakness.

"damn it!" you screamed hitting the table silently hoping that junhoe was there to comfort you, that the old junhoe would sweep you off your feet again, and kiss your tears away.

as on queue, he came in tired and grumpy the door slam made you jump and wince. the sound of footsteps echoing in the hall grew louder as he reached the kitchen you were in. he didn't mutter a word to you, but he did stumble like a zombie into the fridge. he grabbed a bottle of sake and proceeded to sit down where you were.

"junhoe, it's 5 pm I don't think it's a good idea to be drinking this early."

his voice raised almost similar to a bark "yah! i can do what i want."

you wanted to get your point across to him so you pressed on the situation further, "koo junhoe it's 5 pm i already told you that it is way too early to be drinking like this!"

he ignored your words as he chugged the sake and sat there with an empty glass bottle.

"koo junhoe are you even listening?!" you shouted

"YOU'RE SO ANNOYING OF COURSE I'M LISTENING." he shouting back at you and flinging the glass bottle towards you.

you ducked as you covered your ears and face and stared at junhoe in utter shock and horror. Realization finally hitting him he saw your horrified expression. he just sat there staring at his shaking hands and then came towards you.

you were scared and did not want him to be near you, you backed away and shouted at him as he grew closer "stay away!" he just wanted to comfort you and whisper in your ear how it was okay, how sorry he was, and how wrong he was. the tears that threatened to spill earlier were released.

he came face to face to you as your back hit the wall. he grabbed ahold of your shoulders and brought you to his chest. "i'm so so so sorry (y/n) i didn't mean to do that to you." you were just there, there in junhoe's arms, violently shaking. no matter what words he said your brain just denied ever hearing them.

slowly you came to your senses and pushed him off you and screamed, "GET AWAY!" with that shout you scrambled to get away from the wall and straight to the bedroom. as soon as you reached the bedroom you slammed the door and sank down slowly. you tried to calm your breathing and stop the shaking, but nothing would help.

the sudden vibration from a knock on the door shocked you and caused you to jump up.

junhoe pleaded from the other side of the door. his voice cracked as the following words left his lips, "please, tell me what to do. tell me what to do so i can stop the pain i caused you (y/n), please."

word count: 662

ikon imagines ; under editingWhere stories live. Discover now