kim jinhwan - "crush"

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you pouted at your longtime crush, kim jinhwan because he just ruffled your hair and messed it all up. "it took me two hours to do my hair! and i hope you know that." you whined, "and i asked you if this dress looked nice on me!"

jinhwan smiles, "and i already told you that it looked nice on you?"

you hit jinhwan on his head, "just nice? you're impossible to work with."

jinhwan rubbed his head and frowned, "what else was i supposed to say?"

you twirled around in the dress and dramatically laid your head down on a mirror in front of you, "i don't know? maybe that i look dazzling? that i look like all you ever hopped for?"

jinhwan rolled his eyes, "you're so over dramatic."

you chuckled, "you've been my best friend for 5 years, you know me better than anyone else. and you're barely pointing this out?"

jinhwan nodded and turned his attention back to typing on his phone. you scoffed and went back into the dressing room. as soon as you registered that you were alone you hit your head with your hands multiple times. "i'm so stupid for having a crush on him...all my pride has gone down the drain."

tears started welling up in your eyes, "why am i even crying? is losing my pride really that important to me?" you wiped your eyes and changed back into your original outfit. once you gathered everything you went back to jiwon.

he was still in the same position with his phone in his hand. you poked jiwon's shoulder, "let's go jinhwan."

he grunted and put his phone in his pocket, "i'm ready...where to next?" 

you rolled your eyes, "don't just follow me around aimlessly. you know the point is for us to hang out and not for me to drag you around?"

he laughed, "yes but i'm trying to consider how you feel."

you laughed, "consider how i feel? you don't actually know how i feel. and that's why you're mean."

jinhwan gave you a questioning look, "are you saying that i don't know you feel because i say that your personality doesn't live up to your looks?"

'he really is oblivious to my feelings' you thought, "yes sure that's the reason."

"you don't sound too sure." jinhwan said while looking away from you.

you bumped into jinhwan on purpose. he groaned, "what was that for?"

"i have to go to the back is starting to hurt."

jinhwan gave a look full of concern, "why does your back hurt?"

you deadpanned, "it hurts from carrying this conversation."

jinhwan playfully hit you and laughed, "that isn't completely true."

you nodded vigorously, "yes it is! you might as well say goodbye and go home. half of the things you're responding with don't even make sense jinhwan."

jinhwan smirked and kept talking but you didn't process a word he was saying. you could hear him talking but you weren't actually listening. every time you heard his voice you felt electricity throughout your whole body. 'so this is what it's like to have a crush, i'm so bad at this whole crush thing since it's the first time in a while' you thought and smiled.

"(y/n)? were you even listening? w-wait...are you smiling?" he said and examined your face.

you pushed him away, "you're too close."

jinhwan smiled and held your hand, "anyway let's go i heard they're having a slushie special at (f/p)."

word count: 579

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