kim jiwon - "i wish we never met"

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you kissed jiwon passionately, with such passion that you didn't even know was there. or at least that's what you imagined in your head when you thought of the two of you.

you loved him; you really did. but you weren't sure if he was even on the same page as you anymore. he didn't kiss you goodnight anymore or even say i love you. and if we're already being honest, it really hurt you.

but the one thing he was doing right was taking care of your son. a horrible husband but the perfect father, cliche right?

but all of your thoughts started to surround you and pile up. they were constantly there like an annoying mosquito that would never go away.

it was like you were in your own little bubble that couldn't burst. or so you thought, the needle that made contact with your bubble was your phone loudly ringing.

you scrambled to find your phone. you ripped apart the sheets and searched frantically. and then you fished your hand for it in your purse. perhaps even sloppily running down your wood stairs to get to the kitchen.

when you had finally found your phone and pressed accept you were greeted with a fairly boring voice, "(y/n)?"

"hi, jiwon-ah."

jiwon's voice seemed to get emptier and emptier with each word he said, "hyungmin needs to be picked up from daycare."

you furrowed your eyebrows as he spoke, "uhm you're supposed to. i already told you last week that i have an important meeting with the dean of graduate school."

you could practically here jiwon's frown over the phone, "well do your part and pick up our damn son."

you scoffed and bitterly muttered, "do my part? jiwon i have been doing my part and more. but when something good finally happens to me you wouldn't even know because you avoid me like i'm the fucking plague."

you could also feel jiwon rolling his eyes. it was kind of sensible after you've been with each other all these years. "look i can't (y/n)."

with those words you shrugged, "i'll get junhoe to do it then. since he knows how important that meeting is for me."

before you could hear his protesting and objections you angrily pressed end call. but somehow that simple action brought peace to your mind.

you knocked on junhoe's door lightly. it was late and it was unexpected because you had said you would come for your son the next day.

junhoe opened the door and squinted his eyes, "(y-y/n)? i thought you were coming for hyungmin tomorrow."

you sighed, "the dean decided not to take my late application after all because he decided i was unfit for his school. so i'm here for him now, before i get carried away with myself. plus i really want to see him."

junhoe moves aside and waved you in, "he's sleeping right now but you should come in and talk about your jiwon problems."

you sighed as you gently took off your coat and set it on the sofa, "you're right i should probably talk about it."

junhoe nodded and attentively listened to every concern, problem, and rant you had. junhoe didn't even say anything the whole time; he just listened. and for once you felt relieved.

jiwon sat on the sofa and intensely analyzed the newspaper as you came inside your home with hyungmin, who was knocked out on your shoulder.

"why are you so late?" he questioned with a clear upset expression on his face.

you hushed him and whispered, "let me go put him down and then we'll talk."

"now answer me. where the fuck were you? and why did you come home so late?"

you rolled your eyes as you popped a grape in your mouth, "don't give me that bullshit. you know damn well where i was. i told you i was meeting with the dean of graduate school."


"i don't need to tell you everything about my life jiwon."

jiwon didn't say much back to you except, "i'm your husband."

you chuckled bitterly, "you don't act like one. and i had already told you why i was meeting with the dean when the meeting got scheduled, but you wouldn't know since you don't even care enough to listen."

and in that sudden outburst, you had jiwon said something that would haunt you forever.

everything seemed to slow down around you as the words replayed in your mind over and over again,"(y/n), i wish we never met."

after those words, jiwon didn't even bother to apologize. and to be honest you didn't even expect him to. he didn't even show up in the bedroom which made the weight of his words heavier. it seemed like engulfing yourself in a blanket full of sorrow and tears was the only way you could comfort yourself.

needless to say, the only thing on your mind was sleep. there was nothing more that you wanted then and there. well, there was one thing, but affection and an apology was the last thing you could ever get from jiwon.

you laughed bitterly at the thought of how you two used to be. some part of you wanted to believe that things could return back to before you had hyungmin and you two could truly be happy. unfortunately, life isn't a fairy tale and not everything can go your way.

so you decided this would be the last night of tears and constant drunk blubbering. you toot the sheets from your body and stormed to your son's room, "come on baby...we're getting a better life."

"junhoe, thank you for doing this," you said as you bowed profusely

junhoe placed his hand on your shoulder to stop you from bowing. and when you felt him pulling you in for a hug you were about to ask him what he was doing but instead, let yourself be taken over by his warmth.

warm, it was something you haven't felt in a long time. the warmth was something rare and unheard of for you. you only had felt it when you were around hyungmin, and maybe even junhoe.

word count: 1.36k

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