koo junhoe - "pda"

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you wrapped your bright yellow scarf around your neck and placed your phone in your back pocket. "junhoe?" you yelled, "it's almost time to leave...let's go before the bus leaves without us."

junhoe came sprinting down the stairs pulling his hoodie over his head with one hand and was carrying a piece of toast. 

you smirked, "i told you it'd be hard to get used to the time zone change when you were visiting me." 

junhoe smiled, "a little tiredness isn't going to stop me from enjoying my time with my girlfriend."

you laughed and kissed junhoe's forehead. you opened the door and you were about to step out, but you retracted and came back inside the house. you smiled and held junhoe's shoulders, "i forgot to tell you babe...but pda is forbidden in my country."

junhoe laughed, "nice joke (y/n)."

you sadly smiled, "unfortunately i'm not joking. if you are seen showing affection or if a hug is too long then you'll get thrown in jail. sometimes if it's so bad they'll excute you."

junhoe nervously smiled, "see this is why i told you to move with me to korea."

you ignored him and finally stepped outside the door. "what are we not going to do junhoe?"

he sighed, "hold hands."


today was the last day that junhoe was visiting you before he had to go back home to korea and he was having a hard time with the no public display of affection law. what you didn't know was that this was the day that junhoe would slip up in front of the authorities.

he intertwined your hands in front of an undercover cop, who tackled him to the ground. you watched the whole thing teary-eyed as they took you and junhoe into custody.

eventually, they let you go since you weren't the one that initiated the physical contact, but junhoe was executed. it was a huge loss for everyone around the world who enjoyed listening to his voice. you fought and fought for the law to remove, and it got removed but at the cost of your life too. 

you and junhoe became the heroes that allowed others to be affectionate in public. 

word count:364

a/n: this one was kind of wack but i didn't know how to exactly express it into an imagine. actually, i did but i didn't know how to make the emotions transfer from my brain to the imagine.  

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