kim jiwon - "girl in luv"

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"look at him hanbin...isn't he just handsome?" you said with a lovesick smile while you were looking at jiwon shooting the basketball with his teammates to prepare for the game they had tonight.

hanbin's nose scrunched in disgust, "why are you always staring at him? he isn't even that handsome and plus he's one of my best friends, why are you talking about him like that in front of me?"

you rolled your eyes and placed your self in a position where you were hugging your knees, "i'm sorry your best friend had to be one of the star players of the basketball team."

hanbin tugged at your school hoodie and laughed, "i can't believe you actually bought this."

you mumbled, "it's for the game tonight...i didn't want to show up and support jiwon with nothing on. you know sometimes you have to fake your school spirit."

hanbin frowned, "it's weird hearing you talk about my friend."

you hit your brother in disgust, "you already said that."

"i know but i'm tired of hearing about your crush on him. that lovesick smile of yours is getting on my damn nerves." hanbin snapped at you "you're such a bad example for hanbyul."

you fake smiled at your brother and batted your eyelashes, "is this any better?"

hanbin rolled his eyes and grabbed his backpack, which he slung over his shoulder, and whispered: "i'm going to go meet jiwon in the locker room, and before you ask no you can't come."

you scrunched your nose in disgust, "why would i ask to come with you into a sweaty hormonal boy farm? and plus don't they have a cut off time to when students besides the basketball players can go inside the locker room?"

hanbin nodded, "and that's why i'm sneaking inside through the window. duh...anyway see you later little sis."


jiwon, star basketball player, was being talked about throughout the whole school due to him single-handedly caring the basketball game yesterday, which you got to experience beforehand. you also got to experience something that was a bittersweet sight, your best friend kang minah had kissed jiwon good luck on the cheek. 

it brought a smile to your face when you saw jiwon and her smile at one another because they were people you deeply cared about, but it pained you physically to see him smile and you not be the reason.

you sighed and hit your head on the mirror, "it's not like we talk anyway, he doesn't even know who i am."

you lifted your head up only to meet the eyes of yourself, a pale empty girl who only wanted to be with the boy she loved.

you scoffed and whipped your face with the rag in front of you, "pft, i'm not going to let this be another story where a boy breaks my heart. if i keep having a mindset that says boys suck then i will eventually end up with a boy that sucks. sure maybe some boys do actually suck but it's okay i'll find myself a better man."


minah smiled at you while she clung to jiwon's arm and mouthed 'i'm sorry'.  you scoffed at minah and rolled your eyes, "don't say anything about you and jiwon i know."

minah just nodded and continued to stare at jiwon, jiwon stuck his hand out for you to shake. "hi i'm jiwon kim, and you are?"

"i'm (y/n) (l/n)." you said shyly and slowly shook his hand.

jiwon smiled at you, "you're hanbin and hanbyul's sister right? hanbin was spouting some nonsense earlier about how you used to like me. he's crazy sometimes."

you nervously laughed and put your hands behind your back, "yeah so crazy...well nice to meet you jiwon, but i have to go to a chess club meeting. see you!"

as you walked away from the new couple you heard the conversation they had.

"she used to like me didn't she...?"

minah sighed, "actually she still does."

continued in kim donghyuk, girl with luv

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