The Rose Garden

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After another month, the lyrist came to Oakwood Castle again as promised. Duke Egbert and Duchess Ermelinda welcomed him like an old friend. Arthur looked bright and cheerful. He had developed a healthy appetite, and his blue eyes were as clear as a summer sky.

The boy had started to play the lyre, and his parents were now looking for a good teacher. The biggest surprise, however, was the rose garden.

The roses in the castle grounds had never done very well. The Duchess had put it down to the rough northern winds and weather.

"Now the roses are blossoming like never before," said Ermelinda. "The colours and the scent are just out of this world."

Leandro listened attentively to the report and nodded.

"My father loved roses," the Duchess added with a sad smile, "I think he would have made a good gardener."

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