Prequel 01:Pride And Joy

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pride and joy.

King Wilhelm IVApril 18,19866:49 amAstrington Palace

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King Wilhelm IV
April 18,1986
6:49 am
Astrington Palace

"Just one more push,Your Majesty and the baby will be here,"The doctor encouraged my wife,Arabella."Come on darling,you can do it!"I said as she squeezed my hand tightly.Just as the words left my mouth she let out a deafening scream.Arabella's scream quitened down and were replaced by the cries of an infant.My eyes were filled with tears when I realised that my child was here.After nine long months of waiting,my baby was finally here."Go!see,"Arabella said excitedly.Although she was exhausted,her excitement was still noticeable.I immediately rushed to the end of the bed where the doctor held our baby."Congratulations Your Majesties,it's a girl!"The doctor exclaimed,as he handed over the bundle of joy to me.I have a daughter.I was a father.It all felt like a dream to me but no,it was all true."She is gorgeous Bella,"I said with tears escaping my eyes.I looked over to my wife who also was crying out of joy."Would you like to cut the umbilical cord,sir?"The doctor asked me."Is it safe?"I asked concern,I didn't want to hurt my little girl."Of course sir,I will instruct you,"The doctor said as a nurse handed me a pair of scissors."Right there,"He said as I cut the umbilical cord.He then returned her to me and I immediately took her to Arabella."Bella look,we did it!"I said as I bent down to show her our beautiful daughter."She is gorgeous Wil,"Arabella said crying.I handed our daughter to her lap.Bella cherished her cheeks softly.She looked so peaceful,having no care about the world."I am sorry to interrupt the moment sir,but we have to clean her up,"The doctor said.I nodded understandingly and handed her over.

I watched with a faint smile on my face as the doctor took her to the other side of the room and clean her up."Have you thought of a name my love?"Arabella asked breaking me of my trance."Why don't we decide together love?"I replied."What do you think of Eleanora,after your grandmother?"Arabella said with a eyebrow raised."To symbolise our love?"I asked."Yes."She replied.Queen Eleanora I of Callinthova,my grandmother was the reason Arabella was in my life.She wrote my love story.The same love which created our daughter."Eleanora suits her,"I smiled."Eleanora Victoria..."Arabella trailed off."--Elisabeth Regina."I finished."Eleanora Victoria Elisabeth Regina."We smiled.

Eleanora after my grandmother,Victoria to honour Queen Victoria,our great-great grandmother,Elisabeth after Arabella's mother and Regina as a symbol of Callinthova's legacy.The nurse returned with our Eleanora in her arms and placed her in the crib besides Arabella's bed."Go to sleep love,you are exhausted,"Bella nodded slowly dozing off.I smiled and looked over at Eleanora.Her eyes closed,a hand over her fair rosy cheeks and her breathing normal.I observed her for a while.She was the splitting imagine of Arabella and I.

"Sir,would you like to fill the formalities now?"A nurse asked.I simply nodded.After filling all the formalities,I left the room after the medical team,leaving the girls with the guards.I met with my personal secretary,Martin to discuss the announcement of Eleanora's birth."I want gold coins to be gifted to the medical team who helped Arabella deliver and I also want to distribute gold coins to all children born at St.Edward's Hospital today,"I ordered."Are you sure sir?Her Royal Highness wasn't born at the hospital so it isn't compulsory to do so,"Martin said puzzled."Of course I am Martin,the country has been blessed with a future queen and I would like to continue the tradition of distributing gold coins at St.Edwards."I said proudly.Martin only nodded."Anything else sir?"He asked."Ah yes,could you please make sure that the Press doesn't get a wind about the princess' name.I want to announce it the day we show the world Eleanora,"I said."Of course Your Majesty."With that being said,Martin bowed his head and left.

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