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"How are you feeling right now?" One of the doctors asked for the hundredth time

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"How are you feeling right now?" One of the doctors asked for the hundredth time. "As well as one could be right now," Eleanora answered with a sympathetic smile for the hundredth time. The doctor nodded, "Is the shoulder causing you any pain? Except when you move..."

"The shoulder isn't hurting but my arm is getting stiff from keeping it in one place," Eleanora answered pointing towards her bandaged left shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm prescribing some painkillers that will soothe the pain and we will put your shoulder in a cast before you are discharged so it won't hurt so much," the doctor said. Elle nodded before speaking up again, "If you don't mind me asking, why do I not have a cast already?"

The doctor fixed his reading glasses before looking up from the clipboard towards her, "Uh, we had to wait and see if there were any sorts of side effects from your wound."

Elle furrowed her brows," You mean if the bullet may be poisoned or something like that?"The doctor nodded hesitantly."You have nothing to be worried about though, it was simply a mandatory precaution we had to take. Generally, the types of poison that are inserted in bullets take time to affect the body and we can officially say that you are out of danger."

Eleanora smiled gratefully, "Thank you for your help, doctor. It means a lot."

As he began walking towards the exit, he turned to her, "It's been an honour, ma'am."

Sighing, she rang the bell that sat atop the side table beside her hospital bed. Almost instantly, Martin comes into view with Jacob following closely."Ma'am?"Martin asks when the Queen only looks at them.

After a moment or so, she looks at them inquisitively."Where's Luke?"

Jacob's eyes were trained on the back of the Private Secretary's head while he thought of how to phrase his next words."Uh-he's back in Rosnaria."

Eleanora raised her brows while her mouth was agape, closing them almost immediately."Is that so?"One of her brows raised in question. She quickly pushed her laying body up the hospital bed, dismissing the approaching help from her secretary."Well, I wasn't aware that members of my team were allowed to leave without my acknowledgement, Mr.Lestrade, "She snarled at the man in front of her.

Martin looked taken aback at the tone of her voice. She had been bitter towards him before but never had she acted harshly."Ma'am, most of the team have returned to Callinthova albeit the essential staff are still here. We didn't find it necessary for them to be here while you were recovering, "He defended. His voice was monotonous, practised and memorised.

Eleanora realised how different all the little things felt when you were seeing them in another light. She had brushed off a lot of things before but not now. It was time to pay attention to every single detail.

He was burning under her blazing gaze, eyes not leaving his face for even a split second."Who is that we, Mr.Lestrade?"Her lips tightened into a thin line, "I don't remember telling you to dismiss my team."

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