03|The Astrington Palace

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the astrington palace.

November of 2007Catherine MiddeltonAstrington Palace,Callinthova

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November of 2007
Catherine Middelton
Astrington Palace,Callinthova

If anyone would have told Catherine a few years back that she would be touring around the world famous Astrington Palace with Her Majesty,Queen Eleanora II herself,she'd laugh at your face.She couldn't believe her own eyes as Eleanora explained the history behind the intricate details of the palace.Behind them,were William,Harry,Chelsy Davy,Thomas Inskip and Thomas Van Strauvebee.

Harry and William didn't need a tour,they had passed by the same hallways and stairways hundreds of times before and the story which would be repeated by Arabella and Eleanora was engraved in the back of their minds.

"This is our residential quarters,"Eleanora said,as they reached a large two part door.Just like every object in the palace,the door had intricate design.The door seemed to be carved wood but was actually metal,coloured in gold with a hint of rose gold.

"This was first made into the residential area after World War II,"Eleanora said,as they entered through the door.This was one of the few parts of the Palace which were not shown to the public."Woah,"Skippy said,now walking ahead of them,admiring the hallway."Woah,indeed,"Catherine mumbled absentmindedly as she observed her surroundings in awe.

"What was this place before it was made into the residential quarters?"Chelsy asked.Eleanora smiled,"This was the private quarters of Queen Alicia and later on her daughters

"The Palace has transformed a lot since her reign.Their private quarters used to take up a vast amount of space,which my great-grandfather thought was unnecessary and therefore had the architects change a big portion of the West Wing."

"So,this all used to be very different back then or did the architect keep the same element?"Kate asked.

Catherine's questions were so genuine and intriguing that it made Eleanora happy to answer them.

"As I am told,it was quite different back then.The entire private quarters were demolished and then made into different chambers for every royal.In addition,there was an extra hallway before which was also destroyed and then made into more rooms,"Eleanora explained as they walked along the hallway.

"This is Queen Alicia..."William said,as he noticed the portrait of the former Queen in the hallway."-and Prince Consort Arthur,"Eleanora finished.

"A true power couple,"Thomas joked."Indeed,"Eleanora agreed.

"But this guy-He is my favourite,"Harry spoke for the first time throughout the tour,pointing to the portrait of Louis XIV.

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