Interlude: An Old Friend

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an old friend.

Years have passed since I last visited the Féroce clan

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Years have passed since I last visited the Féroce clan.I remember my visit vividly,better than anybody else.Although I could hear some of them muttering my name,I am never called upon.Perhaps they are waiting for the right time.

Clear sky,warm breeze and cheers from people.It wasn't an ideal day for my visit but I arrived.For I never wait for anyone or anything.Nobody could feel my presence but I was there,lurking behind them.The carriage was my destination.

It was the 27th of May in the year 1997 that I last visited them.The Féroce family were dressed in beautiful clothes,adorning pretty smiles and elegance.My name was hanging on the tip of someone's tongue but they dare not to say it out loud.Hushed tones,planning and plotting and finally I was called upon.

People may call me selfish,a taker but I'm a giver as well.My presence that day opened the door to many hidden secrets that could only be answered through my taking.

The bullet with his name written on it flew right in.The sniper nodded to himself.He had done the task and now only another bullet was going to fly through.Except it didn't.

I walked up to Wilhelm,only then could he feel me.He was denying me,trying to push me away and might I say,he was tough.He fought brave and strong to defeat me but I was inevitable.I was unstoppable.I clung onto him and didn't let go.Despite the cries that I heard,I embraced him and invited him in.I saw and heard everything that day.The deafening scream from the woman who unknowingly that a part to play in my visit.The shocked look from the little girl that I was going to take next and that little smirk of the person who called me in.

Wilhelm fought longer than I though he would but in the end,he finally gave up and I hugged him.I hugged him so tight that he and I became one.There,I made one friend.

I waited for the second one.The second soul I would've taken that day.I waited and waited but it never arrived.I took the sniper with me but he wasn't the one I was supposed to take.

"What do you have to say?"I asked Wilhelm."You are here for her too,aren't you?"He had asked me."Yes."That's all we said and as I took his soul out of his body,my first task was done.

Eleanora Victoria Elisabeth Regina escaped me for the first time that day.However,you can't escape me for long.I will return soon enough.

Death will visit the Queen four times.Four fatal meetings with death,one of which she has already experienced.

On the unfortunate day of May 27,1997,death was supposed to take Eleanora along with her father but it didn't happen.However,this escape will open the doors to even more vengeful attempts and the discovery of many untold secrets.

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