Prequel 05:Long Way Ahead

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long way ahead.

Queen Eleanora II of CallinthovaApril 18th,2004Astrington Palace,Rosnaria

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Queen Eleanora II of Callinthova
April 18th,2004
Astrington Palace,Rosnaria

18.An age which was a big milestone for everyone,especially for Eleanora.She was to be crowned Queen soon.Her mother was doing her last duties as the Queen Regent.

Prime Minister,Samuel Richardo and the Parliament had decided 21st of April would be an excellent day for The Coronation.

"Biggest Coronation of History."The media was eagerly waiting for the Coronation day,perhaps more than Eleanora.They were ready to earn huge sums of money which they would receive,covering the ceremony.

It would be the biggest Coronation after Queen Elizabeth II's.It would be even bigger than her father's.

The entire ceremony would be live telecasted so the public would be able to experience the crowning.She was the youngest Callinthovan monarch to be crowned in history apparently.

It was her birthday and she was suppose to be enjoying it but instead,she was attending phone calls and responding to letters from international leaders.They were congratulating her on hitting the big milestone and sending her their best of lucks for her big day.

It was all the same.One thing she rather enjoyed was getting the gifts.They were both her 18th birthday gifts and her Coronation presents.She wasn't quite a girly girl but she enjoyed wearing tiaras to State Dinners and gorgeous gowns.Although,she also enjoyed hunting,riding horses and playing polo.She had a desire of joining the army but unfortunately,the idea was immediately shut down by the prime minister,the parliament,the cabinet and her mother.

"Having fun,dear?"Arabella asked as she entered Eleanora's office.She had dismissed the footmen for the time being,too tired for their formalities."Very,"She answered sarcastically.Arabella laughed and sat down opposite to her daughter."I don't get it!I don't personally respond to letters and stuff most of the time but why now?"She exaggerated.Arabella chuckled at her tantrum,"Well better get used to it now!"Eleanora dramatically laid back in her chair,"Ugh!"

"Has Francis called yet?"Arabella asked."No,not yet,"Eleanora answered getting back to responding to the letters.Her brother was away at Sweyria for primary school.Arabella had thought it was best if Francis had learned to be independent at a young age."It is still very early there, I believe,"Eleanora added.Arabella nodded in response.

"Anyways,have you opened your presents yet?"Arabella asked eagerly.Eleanora and Arabella shared the love of jewelleries."No,not yet.I wanna get over with this first,"Eleanora said gesturing to the pile of letters on her table."Well then,do call me when you open them,I wanna see too!"Arabella exclaimed.Eleanora chuckle at her mother's excitement."Will do Mum."

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