02|Rifles and Cigarettes

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rifles and cigarettes.

January of 2005Rosnaria,Callinthova

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January of 2005

"Her Majesty's office,"Luke answered the phone."Oh...okay okay.I will get back to you as soon as possible."With that being said,Luke rushed out of his office and made his way to Martin's office.

"Come in,"Martin's voice said as he knocked on the door."Sir,"Luke started."What is it?"He asked."There was a call from St.James' Palace,"Luke answered hesitantly."Go one,"Martin encouraged."It seems that His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales has made very controversial headlines."

Martin narrowed his eyes and Luke continued,"He was seen leaving a party very drunk and wearing a Nazi costume."Martin let out an uncomfortable cough."Now,the media is obviously rolling the story in every newspaper and magazines.Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth has spoken to His Royal Highness about it but as a way for him to repent for his mistake she would like for him to stay in Rosnaria for a couple of days.Do charity work and what not.So the Palace is asking for confirmation,"Luke finished.Martin took and deep breathe and thought about the matter for a while.

"Isn't it going to cause more tension if he is out of the UK?"Martin asked himself.Luke was quick to answer that,"His Royal Highness would be making a public apology while he is going to visit a patronage of his and will be explaining his visit to Rosnaria."Martin nodded."Better let Her Majesty know then,"He said before getting off the chair and making his way to the Queen's office.

Martin nervously knocked on Eleanora's Office's door and waited for a response.When no response came,he knocked again.Finally,Eleanora instructed him to come in."Ma'am,"Martin bowed.
"Yes,Martin?"Eleanora asked,looking up from all the paperwork on top of her desk."Ma'am,we just received a call from St.James' place about His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales' visit to Rosnaria,"Martin said.A sense of realisation washed over Eleanora's face."Ah yes!Aunt Lilibet had called me.Do confirm it Martin,"Eleanora smiled happily.Martin's face showed hint of surprise but he tried his best to conceal it.

"Confirm it,Ma'am?"Martin asked again,not sure if he heard it correctly."Yes,is there any problem?"Eleanora asked,confused.Martin quickly shook his head,"No,ma'am not a problem but I was wondering,wouldn't it be more problematic if he was repenting outside the UK?"Eleanora smiled at him before saying,"Don't worry about that,we have it settled what to do,you just make all the arrangements for his arrival."

With that,Martin bowed and left."Make all the necessary arrangements for HRH Prince Harry's visit,"Martin instructed Luke.With that being said,the Palace began to make preparations for Prince Harry's stay in Rosnaria.

Back in London,Harry had heard an earful from his grandmother,his father,his brother and basically everyone else in the entire world.Harry felt guilty,it wasn't suppose to happen.He blamed himself for getting too drunk and wearing that stupid costume.

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