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Harry believed that he had experienced a lot of scrutiny from the press in his life and he was prepared for anything coming his way

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Harry believed that he had experienced a lot of scrutiny from the press in his life and he was prepared for anything coming his way.When he found out about the possible harm that his dearest friend could have gone through he was in agony. He threw a fit and carelessly was ready to fly out of his homeland.It wasn't unexpected by the whole family.He was always overprotective and impulsive when it came to Eleanora.The image of Harry's pale porcelain skin turning red from worry on that one unfortunate day was still fresh in everyone's mind.

"I don't understand,"Harry began skipping across William's room.His hands fidgeting and his eyes wandering through the room.William was watching his brother ranting and skipping around his room for the past half an hour and he was sure that his rug would be worn any moment from his furious movements."Why can't Gran just let me go to Rosnaria even for one day?"Harry ranted absentmindedly.William rolled his eyes at his younger brother's tantrum but deep down he was also worried."You know exactly why,Harry."William stated in a blank tone.The older man was worried about his brother's state.He hadn't eaten properly and he spent his time overthinking matters,filling his head with all the what ifs.

What Harry didn't know was Eleanora had called William weeks before the press and the rest of his family found out about everything that had happened.

William groaned in annoyance as he was interrupted from his peaceful slumber by the loud ringing of his cellphone.He answered the call without looking.

"Hello?"He answered,his voice hoarse from sleep.

"Will-"Eleanora's small voice spoke from the other end of the phone.When his sleepy mind registered the tone of her voice,he forced himself to wake up.Glancing at the clock on his bedside table,William's lips turned upside down into a frown,3:38 AM, it read.

"Will-"She spoke again.Her voice fragile as if she's about to break any moment.She took quick breathes to avoid her sobs."Elle--is,is anything wrong?'He inquired,his heart beating fast against his ribs.He found himself thinking of the worst case scenario.

"I-I am so so sorry to bother you,it's really late.I should let you sleep-"

"That's bullshit,Elle.Tell me what's wrong,"He whisper yelled.The girl was like his younger sister and he would not let any harm come to her."It's truly nothing,I'm just overthinking.You know how I get sometimes,'She said trying to brush off the matter."Eleanora Elizabeth I swear to God you tell me right now or I ask your mother about it-"

"Please don't."She quickly cut him off.The phone stayed silent on the other end as William waited for an answer.Elle sighed before starting her explanation.

"I have been getting these creepy letters for the past couple of weeks and-and it keeps getting more and more scary everytime,Will."Her voice cracking with every word and a sob escaping her throat.

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