09|Foes Among Friends

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foes among friends.

foes among friends

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It was a mistake.The moment Harry entered Astrington,he knew it was a mistake.He should have listened to his father,his gran and practically everyone else.It wasn't a mistake because Elle hadn't opened the Palaxe gates,she did.It was a mistake because the second the door opened he was met with the sight of Viktor Nolan and his stupid smirk.

"Harry!"Elle exclaimed,"You didn't tell me you were coming here."She wasn't pissed,which was a good sign but she was too happy–which was concerning.Was she faking it?He couldn't tell.Harry snapped out of his trance and spoke,"Yeah,well it was a last moment decision but I hope I'm not intruding or anything."Just as he said his last words,Victor came skipping down the central stairs."Henry!"He exclaimed in his French accent.

Harry hated being called Henry.The only two people allowed to call him that were his Gran and Elle.Viktor Nolan wasn't surely allowed to."What a pleasant surprise to see you here,"Viktor spoke placing his hand on Elle's waist.Oh boy."Yes,I had some business in Rosnaria so,I thought I'd stop by and you after the situation with the break in and all,"Harry rambled nervously.He wasn't keen on explaining anything to Viktor but it was more directed towards Eleanora.At this point,Harry was glaring daggers at the French man.Everyone was well aware about Harry's distaste towards Viktor but the feud was kept underwraps.

Viktor cleared his throat and abrupted his gaze towards the marble floor.Elle sensing the tension quickly spoke."You must be very tired,Harry.Why don't you freshen up while they take your luggage?"She gestured towards the number of staff standing by.If it was any other time then Harry would have agreed without hesitation.Astrington was like his second home and he loved staying here,he always does so but this time he couldn't sleep under the same roof as Viktor Nolan.

"Oh no,I have a hotel booked so don't worry about all that.Speaking of which,I should probably leave.I have an early morning tomorrow,"He said glancing at his wristwatch.He felt guilty for the lie was slipping swiftly from his tongue and he hated lying to her but he had no choice.He didn't mean to upset her and staying at the Palace a moment further would surely do just that."Nonsense,"Eleanora stated in an assertive tone.He almost imagined his Gran's voice when she spoke."You won't be going anywhere,Henry,"She spoke sternly.It felt like music to Harry's ears when she called him Henry.Henry to belonged her and only her and no one else.

"Cancel your hotel booking,you will be staying where you always stay –"

"–I mean it Henry,no arguments,"She spoke when Harry opened his mouth to argue.He huffed in defeat and crossed his hands in front of him.

"Darling,don't you think Henry should make the decision for himself?"Viktor nudged Eleanora.Harry internally rolled his eyes.The brown haired man clearly did not know her well enough.Nobody opposed her such decisions."No,I think we are good,"She shortly glared at her partner before smiling widely."We'll see you for dinner,Harry,go rest up a bit,"She spoke walking away.The staff began helping Harry out like they always do.As Eleanora made her way to the stairs the two men stared her way."Stubborn as always,"Viktor mumbled before following suit.

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